Liederbuch: Complete Mission Praise

Complete Mission Praise

Music Edition

Liederbuch: Complete Mission Praise Erscheinungsjahr: 1999

"Mission Praise" was first published in the early 1980's as a collection of songs to accompany a Billy Graham crusade. The "Complete Mission Praise" is the compilation of all songs and hymns from the entire "Mission Praise" collection into a comprehensive volume of worship material. In this new music edition the favourite arrangements and settings for just under 1000 items are laid out with guitar chords included and alternative arrangements where appropriate.

1022 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.


Nr. Liedtitel Text / Autor
1 A new commandment
2 A safe stronghold our God is still (1831)
3 Abba, father, let me be, Yours and Yours alone (1977)
4 Abide With Me (Eventide) (1847)
5 Above the voices of the world (1985)
6 Ah Lord God (1976)
7 All creatures of our God and King (1913)
8 Lights to the world (All earth was dark) , (1986)
9 All glory, laud and honour (Saint Theodulph) (1854)
10 All around me, Lord (1986)
11 All hail King Jesus! (1974)
12 All hail the Lamb (1987)
13 All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name (1780)
14 All Heaven Declares (1987)
15 All heaven waits (1986), (1986)
16 All my hope on God is founded ,
17 All my life, Lord (1987), (1987)
18 All over the world the spirit is moving (1984)
19 All praise to our redeeming Lord
20 All people that on earth do dwell (Psalm 100)
21 All the riches of His grace (1975)
22 All The Way My Savior Leads Me (1875)
23 All things bright and beautiful
24 All things praise Thee (Te Laudant Omnia)
25 I surrender all
26 All you that pass by
27 Almighty God, we bring You praise (1983)
28 Almighty God, our heavenly Father (Confession)
29 Alleluia
30 Alleluia alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (Alleluia No. 1) (1973)
31 Amazing Grace (1779)
32 An army of ordinary people (1983)
33 And can it be that I should gain (Sagina)
34 Angel voices ever singing (1861)
35 Angels from the realms of glory (1816)
36 Arise, shine (Behold the Darkness) (1974)
37 As the deer pants for the water (1984)
38 As we are gathered (1979)
39 As with gladness men of old
40 Ascribe greatness to our God (1979), (1979), (1979)
41 At the Name of Jesus (1870)
42 The giving song (At this time of giving) (1988)
43 At even, ere the sun was set
44 At Your feet, O Lord (1983)
45 I am He that liveth (At Your feet we fall) (1982)
46 Awake, awake, O Zion (1982)
47 Away In A Manger
48 Be still and know
49 Be bold, be strong (1983)
50 Be still for the presence of the Lord (1986)
51 Be Thou My Vision (1905), (1912)
52 Because He Lives (God sent His Son) (1971), (1971)
53 Your Love Is Better Than Life (1981)
54 Bind us together, Lord (1977)
55 Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Saint Christopher) (1868)
56 Bless His holy name (1973)
57 Bless the Lord, O my soul (King of kings)
58 Blessed are the pure in heart (1979)
59 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (This is my story)
60 Blest Be The Tie That Binds (1782)
61 Born by the Holy Spirit's breath (Whitsun Psalm) (1972)
62 Born in the night (Mary's Child) (1964)
63 Break forth into joy
64 Break Thou the Bread of Life (1877), (1877)
65 Brightest and best (Epiphany Hymn)
66 Broken for me, broken for you (1978)
67 Breathe on me, breath of God (Trentham)
68 Cause me to come (1974)
69 Change my heart, Oh God (1982)
70 Children of Jerusalem (Children's Praise)
71 Child in the manger ,
72 Christ is the answer (1943)
73 Christ is made the sure foundation (Westminster Abbey) (1861)
74 Christ is risen! hallelujah
75 Christ is surely coming
76 Christ the Lord is risen today (1739)
77 Christ triumphant, ever reigning (1964)
78 Christ the way of life possess me (1988)
79 Christ, whose glory fills the skies (1740)
80 Christians Awake (Yorkshire) (1749)
81 At the cross (I know a place, a wonderful place) (1993), (1993)
81 Clap Your Hands You People All (Ephraim)
82 Cleanse me from my sin, Lord
83 Come and join the celebration (1972)
84 Come and praise the living God (1982)
85 We Worship At Your Feet (Come and see, come and see) (1989)
86 Come and see the shining hope (Marching Through Georgia)
87 Come and praise Him royal priesthood (1977)
88 Come bless the Lord
89 Come down, O Love divine (1867)
90 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire ,
91 Come let us bow down in worship (1985)
92 Come let us praise the Lord (Chilean Venite) (1981)
93 Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Nativity)
94 Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Wonderful Love)
95 Come let us sing for joy to the Lord (1987)
96 Come, let us worship Christ (1982)
97 Come let us worship our Redeemer
98 Come now with awe (1975)
99 Come on and celebrate (1984), (1984)
100 Come see the beauty of the Lord (1985)
101 Come, sing the praise of Jesus (1987)
102 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (1744)
103 Come ye faithful raise the anthem ,
104 Come to the waters (1975)
105 Come watch with us (1989)
106 Come, ye thankful people, come (St. George's Windsor) (1844)
107 Cradled in a manger
108 Create in me a clean heart (Wash me, cleanse me)
109 Crown Him with many crowns (1851), (1874)
110 Arise shine (Darkness like a shroud) (1985)
111 Dear Lord and Father of mankind (1872)
112 Delight yourself in the Lord (1985)
113 Delight yourselves in the Lord (1978)
114 Ding dong merrily on High
115 Do not be afraid (1978)
116 Down from His glory (O Sole Mio)
117 Do not be worried and upset
118 Draw near to God (1981)
119 El Shaddai (1982), (1982)
120 Emmanuel, God With Us (1987)
121 Emmanuel (1976)
122 Eternal Father, strong to save (Royal Navy Hymn) (1860)
123 Eternal God (1983)
124 Exalt the Lord our God , (1977)
125 Faithful vigil ended , (1981)
126 Facing a task unfinished (1930)
127 Father, although I cannot see (Morden)
128 Father God, I wonder (I will sing Your praises) (1984)
129 Father God I love you
130 Father God, the Lord, Creator (Waltham)
131 Father God we worship You (1981)
132 Father, hear the prayer we offer
133 Father I place into Your hands (1975)
134 Father in Heaven (We will crown Him) (1985)
135 Father in Heaven, how we love You (1984)
136 Father, sending your anointed Son (1985)
137 Father, make us one (1976)
138 Thanks Be To God (Father never was love so near) (1988)
139 Father, I adore You (Kanon) (1972)
139 All the earth shall worship (Father, we adore You, You've drawn us) (1982)
140 All the earth shall worship (Father, we adore You, You've drawn us) (1982)
141 Your love overwhelms me (Father, Your love is precious) (1983)
142 Father, we love You (Glorify thy name) (1976)
143 Fight the good fight (Duke Street) (1863)
144 Fear not, rejoice and be glad (1971)
145 Fill the place Lord with your glory (1983)
146 Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God (1866)
147 Fill your hearts with joy (1970)
148 For all the saints (Sine Nomine) (1864)
149 For God so loved the world (1988)
150 For His name is exalted (1972)
151 For I'm building a people of power (Build Your church, Lord) (1977)
152 For The Beauty Of The Earth (1864)
153 For the fruits of His creation (1970)
154 For the might of Thine arm
155 For this purpose (1985)
156 For unto us a child is born
157 For unto us a child is born , (1984)
158 For Thou O Lord art high (I exalt Thee) (1977)
159 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord (1749)
160 Forty days and forty nights (Heinlein) (1856)
161 Freely for the love he bears us (1989)
162 The Servant King (From heaven You came) (1983)
163 From the rising of the sun (1976)
164 From the sun's rising (1987)
165 Give me a heart (1988)
166 Give me a sight, O Saviour
167 Sing hosanna (Give me oil in my lamp)
168 Give me the faith
169 His love endures for ever (Give thanks to the Lord) (1983)
170 Give thanks with a grateful heart (1978)
171 Give to our God immortal praise (Rimington)
172 Glorious Father, we exalt You (1987)
173 Glorious things of thee are spoken (City of our God) (1779)
174 Glory, glory in the highest (1987)
175 Glory be to God in heaven (Regent Square)
176 Glory to thee, my God, this night (1674)
177 Glory To God in the highest (1986)
178 Go forth and tell (1964)
179 Go tell it on the mountain
180 God came among us (1982)
181 Freely, freely (God forgave my sin) (1972)
182 God Has Spoken (Good News) (1969)
183 God holds the key
184 God is building a house
185 God is good (1985)
186 God is in His temple (Groningen)
187 God is Love, let heaven adore Him (Abbot's Leigh)
188 God is our strength and refuge (1982)
189 God is working His purpose out (Benson) (1894)
190 God Of All Ages (God Of All Greatness) (1988)
191 God of Glory, we exalt Your name (1982)
192 God Of Grace And God Of Glory (1930)
193 God Moves in a Mysterious Way
194 God save our gracious Queen (National Anthem) (1745)
195 God whose Son
196 Good Christian Men, Rejoice
197 Great God of wonders (Careys)
198 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (Charity)
199 Great Is The Lord, And Most Worthy Of Praise (1985)
200 Great is Thy faithfulness (1951)
201 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah (1771)
202 Hail the day that sees Him rise , (1739)
203 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus (1757)
204 Hail to the Lord's Anointed (1821)
205 Hallelujah, for the Lord our God (Hallelujah Our God Reigns) (1972)
206 Hallelujah, my Father (1975)
207 Hallelujah! sing to Jesus (Alleluia sing to Jesus) (1866)
208 Ancient Of Days (Hallelujah sing to the Lord) (1985), (1985)
209 Hark My Soul (Saint Bees)
210 Hark the glad sound (St. Saviour) (1735)
211 Hark! the herald angels sing (1739), (1753)
212 Have Thine Own Way, Lord (1906)
213 Beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61) (1984)
214 He gave His life (Selfless Love) (1982)
215 He has showed you, O man (1987)
216 He is born (1980)
217 He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (1985)
218 He is here, He is here (1972)
219 He that is in us (1986)
220 He is Lord
221 He walked where I walk (God with us) (1988)
222 He was pierced (Like a Lamb) (1987)
223 He who dwells (1988)
224 He who would valiant be (1684)
225 He's got the whole world in his hands
226 Healing God, almighty Father (Hyfrydol)
227 Hear my cry, O God (1986)
228 Here from the world we turn (Tryst)
229 Here I am, wholly available (1981)
230 Here, O my Lord
231 Hevenu Shalom (Because He Died And Is Risen) , (1984)
232 His Hands were pierced
233 His name is higher
234 His name is Wonderful (1959)
235 Hold me, Lord (1982)
236 Holy Child (1966)
237 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty (1826)
238 Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty (1972)
239 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
240 Holy is the Lord (1982)
241 Holy Spirit, we welcome You (1986)
242 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (1985)
243 How Firm a Foundation (1787)
244 How good is the God we adore (Celeste)
245 How great is our God
246 How I Love You (You are the One) (1982), (1982)
247 How lovely is Thy dwelling place (Psalm 84)
248 How lovely is Thy dwelling place (Psalm 84)
249 Hallelujah, our God reigns (How lovely on the mountains) (1974)
250 How shall they hear who have not heard (Ombersley) ,
251 How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds (1774)
252 How precious, O Lord (Your unfailing love) (1982)
253 Hushed was the evening hymn
254 I am a new creation (1983)
255 I am a wounded soldier (1985)
256 I am not mine own (1985)
257 My Savior My God (I am not skilled) (2005), (2005)
258 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus (1874)
259 I am trusting in You, O God (1987), (1987)
260 I am the bread (Picket Wood) (1988)
261 I am the bread of life (1971)
262 I am waiting for the dawning
263 Just A Closer Walk With Thee
264 I Believe In Jesus (1987)
265 I cannot count your blessings (1988)
266 I cannot tell (Londonderry Air)
267 I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (1981)
268 I delight greatly in the Lord (1981)
269 I Know Who Holds The Future (I do not know what lies ahead) (1947)
270 I get so excited Lord (I'm forgiven) (1978)
271 I Worship You (I give you all the honour) (1982)
272 I have decided to follow Jesus
273 I hear the sound of the army of the Lord (1984)
274 I hear the sound of rustling (1979)
275 I heard the voice of Jesus say
276 I just want to praise You (1987)
277 I Know I'll See Jesus Some Day (1921)
278 I know that my Redeemer lives (Church Triumphant)
279 I know not why God's wondrous grace (1883), (1999)
280 I lift my hands (Most Of All) (1982)
281 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills (Davos) (1968)
282 I live, I live because He is risen (1976)
283 I look to the hills , (1989)
284 I love my Lord (1999)
285 I love the name of Jesus (1970)
286 I love you, O Lord, you alone (1982)
287 I love You, Lord (1978)
288 I need Thee every hour (1872)
289 I receive You (1982)
290 I receive Your love (1980)
291 I rest in God alone (1985)
292 I see perfection (Children of the King) (1983)
293 I sing the mighty power of God
294 I sing a new song (1982)
295 I serve a risen Saviour (He Lives) (1933)
296 I Stand Amazed (My Saviour's Love) (1905)
297 I stand before the presence (1980)
298 I want to learn to appreciate you (1980)
299 I trust in Thee O Lord (I trust in You O Lord) (1972)
300 I want to see your face (1988)
301 I want to thank you (1988)
302 I want to walk with Jesus Christ (1974)
303 I want to serve you, Lord (1988)
304 I want to worship the Lord (1986)
305 I will build my church (1988)
306 I Will Call Upon The Lord
307 I will enter His gates (He has made me glad) (1976)
308 I will give thanks to Thee (Be exalted, o God) (1977)
309 I will give You praise (Only You) (1985)
310 I will magnify Thy name (1985)
312 I will rejoice in You and be glad
313 I will sing, I will sing (1974)
314 I will sing about your love (1981)
315 I will sing the wondrous story (Hyfrydol) (1886)
316 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live (1972)
317 I will wait upon the Lord (1985)
318 If My people, who bear My name (1987)
319 I'd Rather Have Jesus (1922)
320 I'll praise my maker while I've breath (Monmouth)
321 I'm accepted, I'm forgiven (1985)
322 I'm confident of this very thing
323 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
324 I'm redeemed (1980)
325 I'm special (1986)
326 Immanuel, O Immanuel (1988)
327 Immortal, Invisible, God only wise (1867), (2006)
328 Immortal Love for ever full (Stracathro) (1866)
329 In Christ there is no east or west (1908)
330 In full and glad surrender (Saint Alphege)
331 In heavenly love abiding (1850)
332 In him we live (Make a joyful noise) (1981)
333 He Lifted Me (In loving-kindness Jesus came)
334 In moments like these (1980)
335 Lord be glorified (1978)
336 In my need Jesus found me (1978)
337 In the bleak mid-winter (1872)
338 In the cross of Christ I glory (1825)
339 In the name of Jesus
340 In the tomb so cold (Christ is risen) (1986)
341 In the presence of your people (The Celebration Song) (1977)
342 Infant holy, infant lowly
343 Is this the Church of our God? (1987), (1987)
344 Isn't He (1980)
345 It came upon the midnight clear (1849)
346 It is a thing most wonderful (Brookfield)
347 It may be at morn
348 Pass It On (It only takes a spark) (1969)
349 It passeth knowledge
350 It is no longer I that liveth (1982)
351 It's Your blood (1985)
352 I've found a friend (1866)
353 I've Got Peace Like a River
354 Jehovah Jireh my provider (1974)
355 Jesus, at Your name (You are the Christ) (1982)
356 Jesus Christ, our great Redeemer (1983), (1983)
357 Jesus Christ is risen today (1708)
358 Jesus Christ is alive today
359 Jesus calls us o'er the tumult (1852)
360 Jesus has sat down (1983)
361 Jesus, how lovely You are (1975)
362 Jesus, I am resting, resting (Tranquility)
363 Jesus, I love You (1986)
364 Jesus I worship you (1982)
365 Jesus is Lord of all (1983)
366 Jesus is King (1981)
367 Jesus is Lord (1979)
368 Jesus is the Lord (1981)
369 Jesus, Jesus, you are my Lord (1987)
370 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus (1979)
371 Jesus, Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) (1974)
372 Jesus, lover of my soul (1740)
373 Jesus lives, thy terrors now (St. Albinus)
374 Now I Belong To Jesus (1938)
375 Jesus, name above all names (1974)
376 Jesus put this song into our hearts (1986)
377 Jesus Prince and Saviour (Saint Gertrude)
378 Jesus shall take the highest honour (1988)
379 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Truro) (1719)
380 Jesus stand among us (1873)
381 Jesus, stand among us (1977)
382 Jesus take me as I am (1987)
383 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (1858)
384 Jesus The Lord Said (Yisu Ne Kaha) (1962)
385 Jesus, the name high over all (1749)
386 Jesus, the very thought of Thee
387 Jesus, We Celebrate Your Victory (1987)
388 Jesus, We Enthrone You (1980)
389 Jesus, You are changing me (1980)
390 Jesus, you are the power (1987)
391 Jesus, You are the radiance (1985)
392 Join all the glorious names (St. Godric)
393 Joy to the world (1719)
394 Jubilate, everybody
395 Judge eternal throned in splendour (Rhuddlan) (1902)
396 Just as I am, without one plea
397 King of Glory, King of Peace (Gwalchmai)
398 King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Kanon) (1980), (1980)
399 Lead Kindly Light (Sandon) (1833)
400 Lead us, heavenly Father (1821)
401 Let all that is within me (1963)
402 Led like a lamb (1983)
403 Let all the earth (1985)
404 Let all the world in every corner sing (Luckington)
405 Let God arise (1984)
406 Let it be to me (1988)
407 Let Me have my way among you (Do not strive) (1977)
408 Let our praise to You be as incense (1979)
409 Let saints on earth in concert sing (1759)
410 Let the beauty of Jesus
411 Let there be love (1979)
412 Let's just praise the Lord (1972), (1972)
413 Let us acknowledge the Lord (1986)
414 Let us break bread together
415 Let us with a gladsome mind (Monkland) (1624)
416 Lift Jesus higher
417 Lift high the cross (1887), (1916)
418 Lift up your heads (1974)
419 Like a mighty river flowing (Old Yeavering) (1982)
420 The candle song (Like a candle flame) (1988)
421 Like a river, glorious (Stayed upon Jehovah)
422 Light has dawned (1988)
423 Living under the shadow of His wing (1983), (1983)
424 Lo! he comes with clouds descending (1752), (1758)
425 Look to the skies (Worship the King) (1984)
426 Look, ye saints the sight is glorious
427 Lord, come and heal Your church (1988)
428 Lord, for the years (Lord Of The Years) (1967)
429 Lord have mercy (1978)
430 Lord, have mercy on us (1986)
431 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (1874)
432 Lord, I love You (1980)
433 Lord I was blind (1868)
434 Lord, it is eventide
435 Living Lord (Lord Jesus Christ) (1960)
436 Lord, make me a mountain (1983)
437 Instrument of Worship (1977)
438 Lord, may we see
439 Lord of all being, throned afar
440 Lord of creation (1961)
441 Lord of our life
442 Lord of the Church (1984)
443 Lord of the cross of shame (1964)
444 Lord, speak to me
445 Shine, Jesus, shine (Lord the light of Your love) (1987)
446 Lord, Thy Word abideth (1861)
447 More Precious Than Silver (1982)
448 Lord we long for You (Heal our nation) (1986), (1986), (1986), (1986)
449 Love divine (Blaenwern)
450 Love Lifted Me (1912)
451 Love came down at Christmas (1885)
452 Loved with everlasting love
453 Low in the grave He lay (Up from the grave He arose) (1874)
454 Majesty, worship His Majesty (1976)
455 Make me a captive Lord (Leominster) (1890)
456 Make me a channel of your peace (O Master) (1967)
457 Make way, make way (1986)
458 Man of sorrows what a name (1875)
459 Master, speak! thy servant heareth (1867)
460 May God's blessing (Benediction) (1982)
461 May our worship be acceptable (1988)
462 May the Fragrance of Jesus (1986)
463 May the mind of Christ my Saviour (1925)
464 May the Lord bless you (1983)
465 Meekness and majesty (This is your God) (1986)
466 Mighty in victory (1984)
467 Morning has broken (1931)
468 My God How Wonderful Thou Art (Westminster) (1848)
469 My Faith Looks Up To Thee (1830)
470 My goal is God himself
471 My God, I thank Thee (1858)
472 My heart overflows (1979)
473 My hope is built on nothing less (On Christ, the solid rock, I stand) (1834)
474 My life is yours (1987)
475 My Lord He is the fairest of the fair (1978)
476 Amazing Love (My Lord, What Love Is This) (1989)
477 My Peace (1975)
478 My song is love unknown (1664)
479 My soul doth magnify the Lord
480 New every morning (Melcombe) (1822)
481 Name of all majesty (1979)
482 Nearer, my God, to Thee (1841)
483 No weapon formed (1982)
484 Tell Out Tell Out The News (Now dawns the Sun of righteousness) (1988)
485 Now I have found the ground , ,
486 Now thank we all our God (1858)
487 Not what these hands have done (1864)
488 O breath of life (1920)
489 O come and join the dance (1988)
490 O come let us adore Him (Adeste Fideles)
491 O come, all ye faithful (1751), (1852)
492 O come, let us worship (1981)
493 O come, o come Emmanuel (1851), (1916)
494 O for a closer walk with God (1772)
495 O For A Heart To Praise My God (Abridge) (1742)
496 O for a thousand tongues to sing (1739)
497 O give thanks to the Lord (1980)
498 O God, our help in ages past (1708)
499 O happy day that fixed my choice (1755)
500 O Holy Spirit, breathe on me (1980)
501 O Jesus I have promised (Day Of Rest) (1869)
502 O let the Son of God enfold you (Spirit Song) (1979)
503 O Little Town Of Bethlehem (1868)
504 O Lord, have mercy on me (1982)
505 O Lord, most Holy God (1980)
506 How Great Thou Art (O Lord my God) (1953)
507 We will magnify (O Lord our God how majestic) (1982)
508 How Majestic Is Your Name (1981)
509 O Lord, the clouds are gathering (1987)
510 O Lord, You are my light (1983)
511 O Lord, Your tenderness (1986)
512 O Lord, you've done great things (1979)
513 O Lord, You're beautiful (1980)
514 O love of God (1861)
515 O love that wilt not let me go (1882)
516 O my Saviour, lifted
517 O perfect Love, all human thought transcending (1883)
518 O praise ye the Lord! (1875)
519 O Savior Christ, I now confess
520 O sacred head, now wounded (1930)
521 O teach me what it meaneth
522 O the deep, deep love of Jesus
523 O the valleys shall ring (1980)
524 O the bitter shame and sorrow
525 O Thou who camest from above (1762)
526 O what a gift! , (1967)
527 O Word of God incarnate (1867)
528 O worship the king (1833)
529 O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness
530 Rock Of My Salvation (O I will sing unto You with joy) (1982)
531 O Lord, I turn my mind to you (1989)
532 O! O! O! how good is the Lord
533 Oft in danger oft in woe (University College) (1806)
534 O the joy of Your forgiveness (1988)
535 O what a mystery I see (1988)
536 The Old Rugged Cross (On a hill far away) (1913)
537 On Christmas Night all Christians sing (Sussex carol)
538 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Winchester New)
539 Once in royal David's city (1848)
540 One day when heaven was filled (1910)
541 The Wine Of The Kingdom (One shall tell another) (1981)
542 One there is, above all others (1779)
543 Onward Christian soldiers (Saint Gertrude)
544 Open my eyes that I may see (1895)
545 Open our eyes, Lord (1976)
546 Open Thou mine eyes
547 Open your eyes (1985)
548 Our blest Redeemer (St. Cuthbert) (1829)
549 Our eyes have seen the glory
550 Our Father in heaven (Hallowed be Your name)
551 Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night (Jesus I Come) (1887)
552 Our Father (Our Father Who Is In Heaven)
553 Peace I Give To You (1979)
554 Peace is flowing like a river
555 Peace, perfect peace
556 Peace to You (1988)
557 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (1674)
558 Praise Him on the trumpet (1981)
559 Praise Him, praise Him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer (1869)
560 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (1834)
561 Praise the Lord! Praise Him in His Temple
562 Praise God In His Sanctuary (1983)
563 Praise to the Holiest in the height (1865)
564 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (1858)
565 Praise You, Lord (1977)
566 Praise the name of Jesus (1976)
567 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (Nox Praecessit) (1818)
568 Reconciled, I'm reconciled (1984)
569 Reach out and touch the Lord (1958)
570 Reign in me (1985)
571 Reigning in all splendour (1984)
572 Rejoice! Rejoice! Christ is in you (1983)
573 Rejoice and be glad
574 Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice (1986)
575 Rejoice, The Lord Is King (1744)
576 Rejoice, the Lord is risen (1986)
577 Rejoice in the Lord always
578 Revive Thy work, o Lord (1858), (1860)
579 Restore, O Lord the honour of Your Name (1981), (1981)
580 Ride on, Ride on in Majesty (1827)
581 River, wash over me (1980)
582 Rock of ages, cleft for me (1775)
583 Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Creator God) (1970)
584 Savior, again to Thy dear Name (1866)
585 Saviour Of The World (1986)
586 Saviour, Thy dying love (1862)
587 Search me, O God, and know my heart today
588 See amid the winter's snow (1851)
589 See Him lying on a bed of straw (Calypso Carol) (1965)
590 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (1972)
591 Peace Like A River (Seek ye the Lord) (1978)
592 See him on the cross (1987)
593 Send forth the gospel (Ombersley)
594 Send me out from here, Lord (1984)
595 Set my spirit free
596 Show Your power, O Lord (1988)
597 Silent night, holy night
598 Peter and John went to pray (Silver and Gold)
599 Sing a new song to the Lord , (1971)
600 Sing to God new songs , (1973)
601 Sing Halleluja to the Lord (1974)
602 Sing we the King (The Glory Song)
603 So freely (1983)
604 Soldiers of Christ, arise (From Strength To Strength) (1749)
605 Soon and very soon (1971)
606 Soften my heart, Lord (1988)
607 Souls of men, why will ye scatter
608 Speak, Lord, in the stillness (Quietude) (1920)
609 Spirit of God (1978)
610 Spirit of God divine (1984)
611 Spirit of holiness Wisdom and faithfulness (1982)
612 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh (1984)
613 Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me (1935)
614 Spirit Divine attend our prayers (1829)
615 Stand up and bless the Lord (Saint Michael) (1824)
616 Stand up and bless the Lord (Saint Michael) (1824)
616 Stand up and bless the Lord your God (1986)
617 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Morning Light) (1858)
618 Sun of my soul (1820)
619 Such love (1988)
620 Sweet is the work (Deep Harmony) (1719)
621 Swing wide the gates (1986)
622 Take, eat, this is My body (1985)
623 Take heart and praise our God (Christchurch) (1986)
624 Take my life, and let it be (1873), (2006)
625 Take time to be holy (1882)
626 Teach me Thy way, O Lord (1905)
627 Teach me to live, day by day (1982)
628 Tell me the old old story
629 Tell me the stories of Jesus (1885)
630 Tell my people I love them (1975)
631 Tell out, my soul (Woodlands) (1961)
632 O I Love You (Thank You for the cross) (1985)
633 Thank You, Jesus (1978)
634 Thank you, Jesus, for your love (1978)
635 Thank You, Lord (1987), (1987)
636 Thank you, Lord, for your presence (1986)
637 Thanks Be To God (1978)
638 Thank you, God, for sending Jesus
639 The Battle Belongs To The Lord (In heavenly armour) (1984)
640 The church's one foundation (Aurelia) (1866)
641 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (1870)
642 The Earth Is The Lord's (1986)
643 Lights to the world (All earth was dark) , (1986)
644 The First Noel (Nowell) (1823)
645 The God of Abraham praise (1770)
646 The greatest thing (1977)
647 The head that once was crowned (1820)
648 The heavens declare , (1987)
649 The King of love my Shepherd is (Dominus Regit Me) (1868)
650 The King is among us (1981)
651 The kingdom of God is justice and joy (1973)
652 The light of Christ (1974)
653 The Lord has given
654 The Lord has led forth (1982)
655 The Lord is a great and mighty King (1973)
656 The Lord is King (1836)
657 The Lord is King (1983)
658 The Lord is my strength (1982)
659 The Lord reigns (1979)
660 The Lord's my shepherd , (1650)
661 The Lord's Prayer (Our Father which art in heaven)
662 The love of Christ who died for me (1989)
663 The price is paid (1983)
664 Walk in the light (The Spirit lives to set us free) (1978)
665 The Spirit of the Lord (1985)
666 The Steadfast Love (1974)
667 The Trumpets Sound (The Feast Is Ready) (1989)
668 The world was in darkness ,
669 Then I saw a new heaven and earth (1973)
670 The strife is o'er, the battle done (1861)
671 There is a fountain filled with blood (1772)
672 There Is A Name I Love To Hear (The Saviour's Name) (1855)
673 There is a redeemer (1982)
674 There is a green hill far away (1848)
675 There is no condemnation (1978)
676 There is no love like the love of Jesus
677 There is none holy as the Lord (1976)
678 There's a quiet understanding (1973)
679 There's a light upon the mountains
680 There's a song for all the children
681 There's a sound on the wind (Battle Hymn) (1978)
682 There's a way back to God
683 There's a wideness in God's mercy (1862)
684 There's no greater Name (1964)
685 Therefore the redeemed (1972)
686 Therefore we lift our hearts
687 These are the facts (Yvonne) (1973)
688 They that wait upon the Lord , (1987)
689 Thine is the glory (Maccabaeus)
690 This Child (1988)
691 This is the day (1967)
692 This is what our Saviour said (1987)
693 Thou art the everlasting Word (Palmgra)
694 Thou art my God (1972)
695 Thou art the Way to Thee alone (St James) (1824)
696 Thou art worthy (1963)
697 Thou didst leave Thy throne (Margaret) (1864)
698 Thou, Lord, hast given Thyself
699 Thou, whose almighty word (Moscow) (1813)
700 Thou who wast rich (Fragrance) (1934)
701 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
702 Through all the changing scenes of life , (1696)
703 Victory Song (Through our God) (1979)
704 Through the love of God our Saviour (1847)
705 Thy hand, O God, has guided (1864)
706 Thy loving kindness (1956)
707 Timeless love , (1970)
708 To God be the glory (Praise the Lord) (1875)
709 To Him we come (Living Lord) (1964)
710 To him who is able to keep us (1985)
711 True-hearted, whole-hearted
712 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (1922)
713 Tonight (Glory to God) (1988)
714 Unto us a boy is born (Puer nobis nascitur) (1928)
715 Victory (1979)
716 We are a chosen people (1981)
717 We are here to praise You (1985)
718 We are marching (1985)
719 We are moving on (1985)
720 We believe in God the Father (1986)
721 We break this bread Unbekannt
722 We bring the sacrifice of praise (1984)
723 We Come As Guests Invited (1975)
724 We come unto our fathers' God (1868)
725 We cry, Hosanna, Lord (1975)
726 We declare Your majesty (1984)
727 We are gathering together unto Him
728 We have a gospel to proclaim (Fulda) (1968)
729 We have come into His house (1976)
730 We have heard a joyful sound (Limpsfield)
731 We love the place, O God (Quam Dilecta) , (1854)
732 We plough the fields and scatter (1861)
733 We praise you, we bless you , ,
734 We really want to thank You, Lord (1974), (1974)
735 We rest on Thee (1895)
736 We see the Lord
737 We Shall Stand (1988)
738 We sing the praise of Him (Warrington) (1815)
739 We will sing of our Redeemer
740 We three kings of Orient are (1857), (1986), (1986)
741 Lord Have Mercy (We your people) (1986)
742 We'll sing a new song (1979)
743 Let The Flame Burn Brighter (We'll walk the land) (1989)
744 We've a story to tell to the nations (1896)
745 Were you there when they crucified my Lord
746 What a friend we have in Jesus (1855)
747 What a mighty God we serve
748 Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (1914)
749 What Child Is This (1865)
750 What kind of love is this (1983), (1983)
751 When all Your mercies, O my God (1712)
752 When he comes (1983)
753 When I feel the touch (1978), (1978)
754 When I look into Your holiness (1981), (1981)
755 When I survey the wondrous cross (1707)
756 When morning gilds the skies (Laudes Domini) (1854)
757 When peace like a river (It is well with my soul) (1873)
758 When the Lord in glory comes (Glorious Coming) (1967)
759 When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder (1893)
760 When we walk with the Lord (Trust and obey) (1887)
761 When to our world the Saviour came (Church Triumphant) (1977)
762 Wherever I am
763 Where the Lord walks (1987), (1987)
764 While shepherds watched their flocks (1700)
765 All That Thrills My Soul (1931)
766 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (1988)
767 Who is He, in yonder stall (Wondrous Story) (1866)
768 Who is like unto Thee (1975)
769 Who is on the Lord's side? (Armageddon) (1877)
770 Will your anchor hold (We Have an Anchor)
771 Wind, wind blown on me (Jesus told us all about you) (1974), (1974)
772 With all my heart (1987)
773 With harps and with viols (The New Song)
774 With joy we meditate the grace
775 With my heart I worship you (1980)
776 Wonderful Counsellor (1980)
777 Wonderful Counsellor, Jesus (1982)
778 Within the veil (1978)
779 Worthy art Thou, O Lord (1979)
780 Worthy is the Lamb
781 Worthy is the Lamb seated (1983)
782 Worthy, O worthy are You, Lord (1976)
783 Ye holy angels bright (1681)
784 Ye servants of God (1744)
785 Yes power belongs to you, O Lord (1984)
786 Yes God is good
787 Yesterday, Today, Forever
788 You are beautiful beyond description (I Stand In Awe) (1986)
789 You are coming , ,
790 Hosanna to the Son of David (You are the King of glory) (1978)
791 You are the mighty King (1982)
792 You are the vine (1982)
793 You are my hiding place (Kanon) (1981)
794 You Are Worthy, Lord (1982)
795 You laid aside Your majesty (1985)
796 You shall go out (The trees of the field) (1975)
797 Your love is to me (1982)
798 Yours, Lord, is the greatness (1984)
799 Knowing You (All I Once Held Dear) (1993)
800 All consuming all embracing (1993)
801 I offer my life (All that I am) (1994), (1994)
802 And He shall reign forever (1991)
803 As water to the thirsty (1979)
804 Awake my soul and with the sun (1695)
805 At the foot of the cross (1992)
806 God Of The Poor (Beauty for brokenness) (1993)
807 Behold the Lord (1991), (1991)
808 Blessed be the name of the Lord (He is the Lord) (1989), (1989)
809 Blessed be the name of the Lord (1988)
810 By Your side (1989), (1989)
811 Thunder in the skies (Called to a battle) (1992), (1992)
812 Christ is risen (Love's work is done) (1989)
813 Christ is the one who calls (Love unknown)
814 City of God, how broad and far (1860)
815 Closer to You (1991)
816 King of the nations (Come let us worship Jesus) (1992)
817 Confidence we have confidence (1994)
818 Come, Holy Spirit Descend On Us (1995)
819 Sweet perfume (Consider how he loves you) (1982)
820 Depth of mercy (Worcester) (1740)
821 Down the mountain (The river of God) (1994)
822 Eternal God (1991)
823 Fairest Lord Jesus
824 Faithful God (1990)
825 Faithful One (You are my rock) (1989)
826 Father of creation (Let Your glory fall) (1993)
827 Father of heaven (Rivaulx) (1805)
828 Filled with compassion (1994), (1994)
829 For this I have Jesus (For the joys and for the sorrows) (1994)
830 God has chosen me (1990)
831 God has spoken by His prophets (1952)
832 God in His love for us (Stewardship) (1973)
833 God of grace, I turn my face (I stand complete in You) (1990)
834 Great is God (1994)
835 Great is the darkness that covers the earth (Come, Lord Jesus, come) (1992), (1992)
836 God is great, amazing! (1993), (1993)
837 He brought me to His banqueting table (His Banner Over Me) (1991)
838 He has been given (1992)
839 He has risen, He has risen (1993), (1993)
840 Heaven's throne ascending (1994)
841 Here in your presence, Lord (1995)
842 Here is bread, here is wine (1991)
843 He is the Lord (Show Your power) (1991)
844 Only the blood (Holiness is Your life in me) (1990)
845 Holy and majestic (1994)
846 Lead me to the cross (How can I be free from sin?) (1991), (1991)
847 How do we start (That the world may believe) (1992)
848 How Long, O Lord
849 How wonderful​​​​​​​, how glorious (1994)
850 We are more than conquerors (I am persuaded) (1983)
852 I know it was Your love for me (1993)
853 I love to hear the story (1867)
854 I should be getting to know You (1993)
855 I sing a simple song of love (Arms of love) (1991)
856 I sing this song (1994)
857 Here I am, Lord (1981)
858 I want to know You (1990), (1990)
859 I want to serve the purpose of God (What is on your heart) (1982)
860 I will cry mercy (1994), (1994)
861 If you are encouraged (1993)
862 I'll go in the strength of the Lord
863 I'm living my life for Jesus (1987)
864 I worship You, Almighty God (1983)
865 In the Lord I'll be ever thankful (1988)
866 In the streets of every city (1993)
867 Is anyone thirsty (1994)
868 Cry of My Heart (1991)
869 In your arms of love so tender (1992)
870 Jesus is the name we honour (We will glorify) (1991)
871 Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (Lord of all the earth) (1998), (1998)
872 Jesus, Jesus, holy and anointed One (1988)
873 Jesus, restore to us again (The word is near) (1992)
874 Jesus, there's no-one like You (1993)
875 Jesus, take Your rightful place (1990)
876 Let the song go round the earth
877 Let us draw near to God (1992)
878 Lord God almighty (Christe Sanctorum) (1993)
879 Lord, help me to know (1993)
880 Lord, I come to You (The Power Of Your Love) (1992)
881 Lord, I lift Your name on high (1989)
882 Lord of all hopefulness (Slane) (1931)
883 We Give You Glory (Lord of lords) (1983), (1983), (1983)
884 Lord, teach us to pray (1993)
885 Go in Your name (Lord, we come in adoration) (1993)
886 Lord, when the storms of life arise (1992)
887 Lord You Have My Heart (1992)
888 Loving shepherd of Thy sheep
889 More about Jesus (1887)
890 Mighty God (1993)
891 Mighty God, everlasting Father (1991), (1991), (1991)
892 More love, more power (more of You in my life) (1987)
893 All The Glory (My heart is full of admiration) (1991)
894 My Jesus, I love Thee (1864)
895 My life is in You, Lord (1986)
896 Restorer of my soul (My lips shall praise You) (1991), (1991)
897 My peace I leave with you (Whiteshill) (1985)
898 No other name (1988)
899 Only you (No one but You, Lord) (1988)
900 Nothing shall separate us from the love of God (1989)
901 Now is Christ risen from the dead (1992)
902 Jesus let me meet You (Now in reverence and awe) (1991)
903 Now the fruit of the Spirit
904 La Alleluia (O Lord, I want to sing Your praises) (1991)
905 O Christ the King of glory (1992)
906 Father me (O Father of the fatherless) (1992)
907 O God of Bethel, by whose hand (1736)
908 O Lord, hear my prayer
909 O Lord, the refuge
910 O Lord, whose saving name (1992)
911 The Comforter Has Come (Comforter)
912 I was made for this (1995)
913 One thing I ask (1987)
914 Only by grace (1985)
915 Open our eyes, O Lord, we pray (1993)
916 All Embracing Love (Out of a heart of love) (1994)
917 Our dear Father (The Lord's prayer)
918 Overwhelmed by love (1994)
919 You're The Holy Lord Almighty (1992)
920 Praise the Lord, you heavens adore him (1796)
921 Purify my heart (Refiner's Fire) (1990)
922 Rumours of angels (1994)
923 Here am I, my Lord (See how the world groans) (1991)
924 Salvation Belongs To Our God (1985), (1985)
925 See His glory (1986)
926 Shalom, Shalom (The love of God be with you)
927 Shout for joy and sing (1988)
928 Thorns In The Straw (Since the day the angel came) (1994)
929 Sing to the Lord a joyful song
930 We will dance (Sing a song of celebration) (1993)
931 Nothing will ever be the same again (So many centuries) (1994)
932 Standing on the promises (1886)
933 Stir my heart (1988), (1988)
934 Sweet feast of love divine
935 Take up your cross (1833)
936 Teach me to dance (1993), (1993)
937 Thank You for saving me (1993)
938 The crucible for silver (1993)
939 The day of His power (The Lord is exalted) (1995), (1995)
940 The love of God comes close (Melanie) (1988), (1988)
941 Sacrifice Of Love (The precious blood of Jesus) (1994)
942 There is a place of quiet rest (1903)
943 There is none like You (1991)
944 There is power in the name of Jesus (1989)
945 There shall be showers of blessing (1883)
946 They shall come from the east (1978)
947 This is the mystery (Let the Bride say come) (1992), (1992)
948 Through the night of doubt and sorrow (1867)
949 Thy kingdom come, O God! (Saint Cecilia)
950 Thy way, not mine, O Lord (Ibstone) (1857)
951 To be in Your presence (This is my desire) (1991)
952 Touch my life (1994)
953 I Surrender (To Your majesty) (1988), (1988)
954 We are marching in the light of God (Siyahamba) (1984)
955 Go forth in His name (We are His children) (1990)
956 We turn to Christ alone (1994)
957 We Want To See Jesus Lifted High (1993)
958 Welcome, King of kings (How great is Your name) (1991)
959 What kind of greatness (1994)
960 Whatever is true (1991), (1991)
961 When I lift up my voice
962 When my sorrows cover me
963 With undivided heart and ceaseless songs (Hillcrest) (1993)
964 With all my heart (1992)
965 The Light Has Come (Wonderful Counsellor) (1987)
966 Wonderful Grace (And all that I have) (1990)
967 At Calvary (Years I spent in vanity and pride) (1895)
968 Triumph of You grace (You are the rock) (1993)
969 I'm forever grateful (You did not wait for me) (1986)
970 You make my heart feel glad (1990), (1990)
971 You have been given (1987)
972 Yours for ever! God of love (Newington) (1847)
973 All that I am (1994)
974 Awesome in this place (As I come into Your presence) (1992)
975 Before the throne of God above (1863)
976 Blessing and Honor (Ancient of Days) (1992), (1992)
977 Can a nation be changed (1996)
978 Lord, light the fire again (Don't let my love grow cold) (1994)
979 Draw me close to the cross (1996), (1996)
980 Draw Me Close (You're All I Want) (1994)
981 Far above all other loves (Love's compelling power) (1997)
982 Say it loud (Far and near) (1996)
983 Let the peace of God reign (Father of life, draw me closer) (1995)
984 God is good all the time (He put a song of praise) (1995), (1995)
985 He is the mighty God (1997)
986 He's given me a garment of praise (1994)
987 Here Is Love (Dim Ond Iesu)
988 How Deep the Father's Love for Us (1995)
989 I need You more (1996), (1996)
990 I will offer up my life (This thankful heart) (1994)
991 You're Worthy Of My Praise (I will worship with all of my heart) (1991)
992 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord , (1998)
993 It is to You (1995)
994 It's Rising Up (1995), (1995)
995 Once Again (Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice) (1995)
996 This Kingdom (1995)
997 Jesus Lover of My Soul (It's all about You Jesus) (1995)
998 Jesus, what a beautiful name (1995)
999 Firm foundation (1994), (1994)
1000 King Of Kings, Majesty (1996)
1001 Let everything that has breath (1997)
1002 Love songs from heaven (1996), (1996)
1003 My Jesus, My Saviour (Shout To The Lord) (1993)
1004 O God of burning, cleansing flame (Send the fire)
1005 Our God is an awesome God (1988)
1006 I could sing of Your love forever (Over the mountains and the sea) (1994)
1007 The Lord reigns, the Lord reigns (1980)
1008 The Lord's my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
1009 The King of love (The King Has Come) (1997), (1997)
1010 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord (1994)
1011 There's a place where the streets shine (Because of you) (1995)
1012 Days Of Elijah (1996)
1013 I give you my heart (This is my desire) (1995)
1014 We have sung our songs of victory (How long) (1997)
1015 We sing your mercies (1997)
1016 The Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades) (1997)
1017 Who is there like You (1995)
1018 You are merciful to me (1997)
1019 You Are My All In All (You Are My Strength When I Am Weak) (1989)
1020 You rescued me (1992)
1021 You're the Lion of Judah (1993)