Our Father, who art in heaven give us this day our daily bread. (2x)
Give us this day our daily bread, as it is in heaven, baraka bam bam bam bam. (2x)
1) Our God of love, who reigns above,
Comes down to us below;
’Tis sweet to tell He loves so well,
And ’tis enough to know.
2) So deep, so high, like air and sky,
Beyond us, yet around;
He whom our mind can never find
Can in our heart be found.
3) Lord God, so far, past sun and star,
Yet close to all our ways!
In love so near, be...
1) Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into thy freedom, gladness, and light,
Jesus, I come to thee.
Out of my sickness into thy health,
Out of my want and into thy wealth,
Out of my sin and into thyself,
Jesus, I come to thee.
2) Out of my shameful failure and loss,
Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
Into the...
1) Out of your sleep arise and wake,
For God mankind now hath ytake.
All of a maid without any make:
Of all women she beareth the bell.
2) And through a maide fair and wise,
Now man is made of full great price:
Now angels knelen to man's service,
An at this time all this befell.
3) Now man is brighter than the sun:
Now man in...
Ref.: Way over in the gloryland,
see that happy angelband,
over in the gloryland.
Over in the gloryland,
see that happy angelband,
over in the gloryland.
1) Sinners, there are rocks ahead,
don't forget what Jesus said,
over in the gloryland.
Wanna walk through heaven's door,
bow your head and sin no more,
over in the...
1) Over my head I see trouble in the air.
Over my head I see trouble in the air.
Over my head I see trouble in the air;
There must be a God somewhere!
2) Over my head I hear music in the air.
Over my head I hear music in the air.
Over my head I hear music in the air;
There must be a God somewhere!
3) Over my head I hear singing in the...
Pace e bene, pace e bene, pace e bene. Amen. Amen.
Frieden und Gutes, Frieden und Gutes, Frieden und Gutes. Amen. Amen.
Pace e bene, liebe [NAME], pace e bene. Amen. Amen.
Pace e benem, Frieden und Heil;
pax et bonum, peace and all good;
pokoj i bobro, shuno hejua!
Ref.: Pace e bene, Frieden und Brot,
Pace e bene gebe dir Gott!
1) Freundliche Reden machen es nicht,
ich wünsche dir Worte, die wahr sind,
und das, was du sagst, wirklich meinen.
2) Große Ideen machen es nicht,
ich wünsch dir das Feuer des Geistes,
gerade und klare Gedanken.
3) Friedvolle Gesten machen es nicht,
ich wünsche dir...
Paläste und Pyramiden von Rom und Gizeh,
Kanäle und Tempel in Athen und Pompei,
Städte und Bauten in herrlicher Pracht,
mit Technik habt ihr es euch möglich gemacht:
Riesige Türme, gewaltige Brücken,
ihr fliegt durch die Luft wie die Vögel und Mücken.
Sogar zu den Sternen habt ihr es geschafft.
Könnt alles zerstören mit...