Liederbuch: Mission Praise

Mission Praise

Mission England Praise

Liederbuch: Mission Praise Erscheinungsjahr: 1983

This book has been compiled to enable the uniting power of music to operate during and after Mission England. I commend it to all churches and individuals who would like to share in the work of evangelism.

273 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.


Nr. Liedtitel Text / Autor
1 Abba, father, let me be, Yours and Yours alone (1977)
2 Abide With Me (Eventide) (1847)
3 All hail King Jesus! (1974)
4 I surrender all
5 All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name (1780)
6 All people that on earth do dwell (Psalm 100)
7 Alleluia
8 All the riches of His grace (1975)
9 Alleluia alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (Alleluia No. 1) (1973)
10 Amazing Grace (1779)
11 And can it be that I should gain (Sagina)
12 Arise, shine (Behold the Darkness) (1974)
13 As we are gathered (1979)
14 Ascribe greatness to our God (1979), (1979), (1979)
15 At the Name of Jesus (1870)
16 Be still and know
17 Be Thou My Vision (1905), (1912)
18 Because He Lives (God sent His Son) (1971), (1971)
19 Your Love Is Better Than Life (1981)
20 Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Saint Christopher) (1868)
21 Bind us together, Lord (1977)
22 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (This is my story)
23 Break forth into joy
25 Breathe on me, breath of God (1995), (1995)
26 Bless the Lord, O my soul (King of kings)
27 Christ is made the sure foundation (Westminster Abbey) (1861)
28 Christ triumphant, ever reigning (1964)
29 Christ is the answer (1943)
30 Cleanse me from my sin, Lord
31 Come and praise Him royal priesthood (1977)
32 Come bless the Lord
33 Come and see the shining hope (Marching Through Georgia)
34 Come down, O Love divine (1867)
35 Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Wonderful Love)
36 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire ,
37 Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Nativity)
38 Come to the waters (1975)
39 Crown Him with many crowns (1851), (1874)
40 Dear Lord and Father of mankind (1872)
41 Do not be afraid (1978)
42 Do not be worried and upset
43 Father, hear the prayer we offer
44 Father, I adore You (Kanon) (1972)
45 Father I place into Your hands (1975)
46 Father, we love You (Glorify thy name) (1976)
47 Fear not, rejoice and be glad (1971)
48 Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God (1866)
49 Fight the good fight (Duke Street) (1863)
50 For I'm building a people of power (Build Your church, Lord) (1977)
51 For all the saints (Sine Nomine) (1864)
52 For the fruits of His creation (1970)
53 For Thou O Lord art high (I exalt Thee) (1977)
53 From the rising of the sun (1976)
55 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord (1749)
56 Father God I love you
57 Give me a sight, O Saviour
58 Sing hosanna (Give me oil in my lamp)
59 Glorious things of thee are spoken (City of our God) (1779)
60 Freely, freely (God forgave my sin) (1972)
61 Go forth and tell (1964)
62 Great is Thy faithfulness (1951)
63 Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah (1771)
64 Hail to the Lord's Anointed (1821)
65 Hallelujah, for the Lord our God (Hallelujah Our God Reigns) (1972)
66 Hallelujah, my Father (1975)
67 Hallelujah! sing to Jesus (Alleluia sing to Jesus) (1866)
68 He is here, He is here (1972)
69 He is Lord
70 His Hands were pierced
71 His name is higher
72 His name is Wonderful (1959)
73 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty (1826)
74 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
75 Holy, holy, holy, holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty (1972)
76 How Firm a Foundation (1787)
77 How good is the God we adore (Celeste)
78 How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds (1774)
79 Hallelujah, our God reigns (How lovely on the mountains) (1974)
80 I am the bread of life (1971)
81 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus (1874)
82 Just A Closer Walk With Thee
83 I cannot tell (Londonderry Air)
84 I have decided to follow Jesus
85 I heard the voice of Jesus say
86 I know that my Redeemer lives (Church Triumphant)
87 I love You, Lord (1978)
88 I hear the sound of rustling (1979)
89 I know not why God's wondrous grace (1883), (1999)
90 I love my Lord (1999)
91 I love the name of Jesus (1970)
92 I need Thee every hour (1872)
93 I want to worship the Lord (1986)
94 I serve a risen Saviour (He Lives) (1933)
95 I trust in Thee O Lord (I trust in You O Lord) (1972)
96 I Will Call Upon The Lord
97 I will enter His gates (He has made me glad) (1976)
98 I will give thanks to Thee (Be exalted, o God) (1977)
99 I will sing, I will sing (1974)
100 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
101 I will sing the wondrous story (Hyfrydol) (1886)
102 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live (1972)
103 Immortal, Invisible (1867)
104 In full and glad surrender (Saint Alphege)
105 Lord be glorified (1978)
106 In heavenly love abiding (1850)
107 In the cross of Christ I glory (1825)
108 In the presence of your people (The Celebration Song) (1977)
109 In the name of Jesus
110 It is a thing most wonderful (Brookfield)
111 Pass It On (It only takes a spark) (1969)
112 It passeth knowledge
113 I've found a friend (1866)
114 I've Got Peace Like a River
115 Jesus, Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) (1974)
116 Jesus calls us o'er the tumult (1852)
117 Jesus Christ is alive today
118 Jesus, how lovely You are (1975)
119 Jesus is Lord (1979)
120 Jesus, lover of my soul (1740)
121 Now I Belong To Jesus (1938)
122 Jesus, name above all names (1974)
123 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Truro) (1719)
124 Jesus, stand among us (1977)
125 Jesus stand among us (1873)
126 Jesus, the name high over all (1749)
127 Jesus take me as I am (1987)
128 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (1858)
129 Jesus, the very thought of Thee
130 Jubilate, everybody
131 Jesus, We Enthrone You (1980)
132 Just as I am, without one plea
133 Let all that is within me (1963)
134 Let Me have my way among you (Do not strive) (1977)
135 Let all the world in every corner sing (Luckington)
136 Let the beauty of Jesus
137 Let there be love (1979)
138 Let's just praise the Lord (1972), (1972)
139 Lift high the cross (1887), (1916)
140 Like a river, glorious (Stayed upon Jehovah)
141 Lo! he comes with clouds descending (1752), (1758)
142 Lord, for the years (Lord Of The Years) (1967)
143 Lord I was blind (1868)
144 Instrument of Worship (1977)
145 Like a mighty river flowing (Old Yeavering) (1982)
146 Lord, may we see
147 Lord of the cross of shame (1964)
148 Lord, speak to me
149 Love divine (Blaenwern)
150 Low in the grave He lay (Up from the grave He arose) (1874)
151 Majesty, worship His Majesty (1976)
152 Make me a captive Lord (Leominster) (1890)
153 Make me a channel of your peace (O Master) (1967)
154 Man of sorrows what a name (1875)
155 Master, speak! thy servant heareth (1867)
156 May God's blessing (Benediction) (1982)
157 May the mind of Christ my Saviour (1925)
158 My Faith Looks Up To Thee (1830)
159 My soul doth magnify the Lord
160 My song is love unknown (1664)
170 O Holy Spirit, breathe on me (1980)
171 O love that wilt not let me go (1882)
172 O Jesus I have promised (Day Of Rest) (1869)
173 O Lord, my God! When I in awesome wonder (1885)
174 O Thou who camest from above (1762)
175 The Old Rugged Cross (On a hill far away) (1913)
176 O what a gift! , (1967)
177 O Word of God incarnate (1867)
178 O worship the king (1833)
179 O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness
180 One day when heaven was filled (1910)
181 Open our eyes, Lord (1976)
182 O give thanks to the Lord (1980)
183 Peace is flowing like a river
184 Peace, perfect peace
185 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (1674)
186 Praise Him, praise Him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer (1869)
187 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (1834)
188 Praise the Lord! Praise Him in His Temple
189 Praise the name of Jesus (1976)
190 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (Nox Praecessit) (1818)
191 Praise to the Holiest in the height (1865)
192 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (1858)
193 Reach out and touch the Lord (1958)
194 Rejoice in the Lord always
195 Rejoice, The Lord Is King (1744)
196 Restore, O Lord the honour of Your Name (1981), (1981)
197 Rock of ages (1775), (2010)
198 Revive Thy work, o Lord (1858), (1860)
199 Peter and John went to pray (Silver and Gold)
200 Search me, O God, and know my heart today
201 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (1972)
202 Peace Like A River (Seek ye the Lord) (1978)
203 Sing a new song to the Lord , (1971)
204 Sing Halleluja to the Lord (1974)
205 Open Thou mine eyes
206 Sing we the King (The Glory Song)
207 Soldiers of Christ, arise (From Strength To Strength) (1749)
208 Soon and very soon (1971)
209 Spirit of the living God
210 Stand up and bless the Lord (Saint Michael) (1824)
211 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Morning Light) (1858)
212 Take my life (1873), (2003), (2003)
213 Teach me to live, day by day (1982)
214 Take time to be holy (1882)
215 Tell out, my soul (Woodlands) (1961)
216 Thank You, Jesus (1978)
217 The church's one foundation (Aurelia) (1866)
218 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (1870)
219 The greatest thing (1977)
220 The head that once was crowned (1820)
221 The King of love my Shepherd is (Dominus Regit Me) (1868)
222 The King is among us (1981)
223 The light of Christ (1974)
224 The Lord is a great and mighty King (1973)
225 The Lord is my strength (1982)
226 The Lord is King (1836)
227 The Lord's my shepherd , (1650)
228 Therefore we lift our hearts
229 The Steadfast Love (1974)
230 There is a green hill far away (1848)
231 There is none holy as the Lord (1976)
232 There Is A Name I Love To Hear (The Saviour's Name) (1855)
233 There's a quiet understanding (1973)
234 There's a way back to God
235 There's a sound on the wind (Battle Hymn) (1978)
236 There's no greater Name (1964)
237 Thou didst leave Thy throne (Margaret) (1864)
238 Thine is the glory (Maccabaeus)
239 This is the day the Lord has made
240 Thou art my God (1972)
241 Thy loving kindness (1956)
242 Thou art worthy (1963)
243 Thou, Lord, hast given Thyself
244 Thou, whose almighty word (Moscow) (1813)
245 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
246 Through all the changing scenes of life , (1696)
247 Thy hand, O God, has guided (1864)
248 To God be the glory (Praise the Lord) (1875)
249 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (1922)
250 Timeless love , (1970)
251 We are gathering together unto Him
252 Victory (1979)
253 We have come into His house (1976)
254 We are one in the Spirit (1966)
255 We have heard a joyful sound (Limpsfield)
256 We really want to thank You, Lord (1974), (1974)
257 We see the Lord
258 We sing the praise of Him (Warrington) (1815)
259 We will sing of our Redeemer
260 We'll sing a new song (1979)
261 We've a story to tell to the nations (1896)
262 What a friend we have in Jesus (1855)
263 Since Jesus Came Into My Heart (1914)
264 When I feel the touch (1978), (1978)
265 When I survey the wondrous cross (1707)
266 When morning gilds the skies (Laudes Domini) (1854)
267 Wherever I am
268 When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder (1893)
268 When we walk with the Lord (Trust and obey) (1887)
270 All That Thrills My Soul (1931)
271 Who is He, in yonder stall (Wondrous Story) (1866)
272 Who is like unto Thee (1975)
273 Within the veil (1978)
274 Who is on the Lord's side? (Armageddon) (1877)
275 Will your anchor hold (We Have an Anchor)
276 Worthy art Thou, O Lord (1979)
277 Yesterday, Today, Forever
278 Ye servants of God (1744)
279 Hosanna to the Son of David (You are the King of glory) (1978)
280 Worthy is the Lamb
281 You shall go out (The trees of the field) (1975)
282 Led like a lamb (1983)