Shalom, Shalom, Shalom!
Ein Ruf eilt um die Erde:
Ein gutes Wort von mir zu dir,
ein gutes Wort von dir zu mir
verändert unser Leben,
schenkt Hoffnung, ist ein Segen.
Shalom, Shalom, Shalom!
Ref.: Shalom, Shalom, His peace upon us.
Shalom, Shalom, His peace upon us.
1) The Lord be ahead of you
to lead the way for you to follow.
He'll be by your side. His arm will keep you safe.
2) The Lord be behind you,
so enemies cannot attack you.
He'll be under you to hold you when you're falling.
3) The Lord be within...
1) Shepherds in the field abiding,
tell us, when the seraph bright
greeted you with wondrous tiding
what you saw and heard that night.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
2) We beheld it (it is no fable),
God incarnate, King of bliss,
swathed and cradled in a stable,
and the angel strain was this:
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
3) Choristers on high...
1) Shepherds left their flocks a-straying,
God's command with joy obeying,
When they heard the angel saying:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem."
2) Wise Men came from far, and saw him"
Knelt in homage to adore him;
Precious gifts they laid before him:
Gold and frankincense and myrrh.
3) Let us now in every nation
Sing his praise with...
1) Shine on me, shine on me,
let the light of Jesus shine on me. (2x)
2) Shine in me, shine in me,
let the light of Jesus shine in me. (2x)
3) Shine with me, shine with me,
let the light of Jesus shine with me. (2x)
3) Shine through me, shine through me,
let the light of Jesus shine through me. (2x)
1) Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and days of auld lang syne?
Ref.: For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o'kindness yet
For auld lang syne
2) And surely ye'll be your pint-stoup
And surely I'll be mine
And we'll tak a...
Ref.: O my good Lord, Show me the way,
O my good Lord, Show me the way,
O my good Lord, Show me the way,
Enter the chariot, travel along.
1) Noah sent out a mourning dove,
Enter the chariot, travel along'
Which brought back a token of a heavenly love,
Enter the chariot, travel along.
2) Goin' to serve my Lord while I have...
Si vis pacem, si vis pacem, cole iustitiam
Si vis pace, cole iustitiam.
Willst du Frieden, willst du Frieden, sorg für Gerechtigkeit.
Willst du Frieden, sorg für Gerechtigkeit.
1) Sich einen Christen nennen
und Christum nicht bekennen,
noch seine Wahrheit klar
bezeugen offenbar,
wenn solches wird begehret:
das ist nur bloß ein Schein,
bringt schlechten Frommen ein,
kann nirgens Nutz zu sein.
2) Denn nimmer muss sich trennen
vom Glauben das Bekennen.
Der Christen Herz und Mund
soll eins sein jede...
1) Sich Jesus zuzueignen
ist lauter Seligkeit,
hingegen ihn verleugnen
bringt ewig Herzeleid,
wenn er dich nicht will kennen
und dich einst zum Verbrennen
von den Gerechten scheid't.
2) Die Welt hält Menschenliebe
allein für ihre Pflicht, rühmt,
was aus eignem Triebe,
nicht was im Geist geschicht,
weicht von dem Wort des...