1) There’s a star in the east
on Christmas morn,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow,
It will lead to the place
where the Christ was born
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
2) If you take good heed
to the angel’s word
Rise up, shepherd, and follow,
You’ll forget your flocks,
you’ll forget your herds,
Rise up, shepherd, and follow.
1) Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
oh rock my soul.
2) So high, you can't get over it,
so low, you can't get under it,
so wide, you can't get round of it,
oh rock my soul.
3) Rock - my - soul,
Rock - my - soul,
Rock - my - soul,
oh rock...
1) Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
oh rock my soul.
2) So high, you can't get over it,
so low, you can't get under it,
so wide, you can't get round of it,
oh rock my soul.
3) Rock my soul,
Rock my soul,
Rock my soul,
oh rock my soul.
1) Rock of ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood
From Your wounded side which flowed
Be for sin the double cure,
Save from wrath and make me pure;
Cleanse from guilt and cleanse from sin,
White as snow and pure within.
Ref.: Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.
Rock of...
1) Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Cleanse me from its guilt and power.
2) Not the labour of my hands
Can fulfill Thy law's demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not...
Ref.: Rocks on the mountains shine like diamonds.
Rocks on the mountains shine like diamonds.
Rocks on the mountains shine like diamonds.
Let' em shine boy, let' em shin.
1) This old hammer kill John Henry. This old hammer kill John Henry.
This old hammer kill John Henry. Didn't kill me, boy. Didn't kill me.
2) This old...
Ref.: Roll, Jordan roll, roll, Jordan roll,
I want to go to heaven, when I die,
just to hear sweet Jordan roll.
1) Brother you ought to have been there,
o yes Lord, a sitting in the kingdom,
to hear sweet Jordan roll.
2) Sister you ought to have been there,
o yes Lord, a sitting in the kingdom,
to hear sweet Jordan roll.
3) Mother...
Ref.: Rosen blühen im Stacheldraht,
aus dem Tod wächst Leben.
Weizenkorn wird Friedenssaat,
sterbend hingegeben.
1) Einer geht den Weg des Glaubens,
legt die Hände an den Pflug;
folgt dem Ruf, geht Jesu Spuren,
Gottes Wort ist ihm genug.
3) Einer geht den Weg der Wahrheit,
fürchtet weder Hass noch Tod;
nennt beim Namen Recht und...
1) Rosenkranzkönigin, Jungfrau voll Gnade,
lehre uns wandeln auf himmlischem Pfade!
Freudig erheben wir
unser Gebet zu Dir
Jungfrau, Jungfrau der Gnade
2) Rosenkranzkönigin, Mutter, du Reine,
Gib, dass Dir unser Herz ähnlicher erscheine!
Freudig erheben wir
unser Gebet zu Dir,
Jungfrau, Jungfrau Du Reine!
3) Rosenkranzkönigin,...
Richte uns wieder auf, Gott, unser Heil.