1) In the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
in the morning when I rise,
give me Jesus.
Ref.: Give me Jesus,
give me Jesus,
you may have all this world;
give me Jesus.
2) Dark midnight was my cry,
dark midnight way my cry,
dark midnight was my cry,
give me Jesus.
3) Just about the break of day,
just about the break...
1) Gimme me that old time religion,
give me that old time religion.
Give me that old time religion,
It's good enough for me.
2) It was good for old Moses.
It was good for ol' Moses.
It was good for ol' Moses.
And it's good enough for me!
3) It was good for old Josh'a.
It was good for ol' Josh'a.
1) Give me the faith which can remove
And sink the mountain to a plain
Give me the childlike praying love
Which longs to build Thy house again
Thy Love let it my heart o'erpower
Let it my ransomed soul devour
2) I would the precious time redeem
And longer live for this alone
To spend and not be spent for them
Who have not yet my...
1) Let your blood in mercy poured
Let your gracious body broken
Be to me, oh Lord
Be to me, oh Lord
I live because you died
Precious Lord, you came to save me
Oh, you gave me life
Oh, you gave me life
Now I give myself
I give myself to
Ref.: You are everything I need
You’re the air I breathe
The melody I sing
You are all I want...
1) Give to our God immortal praise;
mercy and truth are all his ways:
wonders of grace to God belong;
repeat his mercies in your song.
2) Give to the Lord of lords renown;
the King of kings with glory crown:
his mercies ever shall endure,
when lords and kings are known no more.
3) He built the earth, he spread the sky,
and fixed...
Lord, forgive, oh Lord, forgive. Give us your mercy, oh Lord, forgive.
Kyrie eleison. Give us your mercy, Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison. Give us your mercy, Christe eleison.
1) Glanz der Ewigkeit,
Gott und Herr der Zeit,
sei von allen Kreaturen
für die neu erregten Spuren
deiner Gütigkeit
hoch gebenedeit!
2) Diese finstre Nacht
ist zum Schluss gebracht,
und der Strahl der heitern Sonne
bricht zu allgemeiner Wonne
durch die dunkle Macht
der vergangnen Nacht.
3) Sehen wir denn nicht
in dem...
1) Glänzender sinket die Sonne
dort in das wallende Meer;
glühend in höherer Wonne
tanzen die Wogen umher.
Scheidend noch lächelt sie Fluren,
welche sie heute beschien,
sieht ihre segnenden Spuren:
Blumen und sprossendes Grün.
2) Ihre belebenden Strahlen
lohnten des Ackermanns Fleiß,
zwangen die Erde, zu zahlen
eiserner Arbeit...
Glaub nicht alles, was du hörst; tu nicht alles was du magst;
sag nicht alles, was du weißt; brauch nicht alles, was du hast,
kauf nicht alles, was du siehst, so bleibst du wohl zu jeder Frist.
1) Glaube all und jeden Tag!
Glaube, ob’s auch stürmen mag!
Glaub’ erst recht auf dunkler Spur!
Jesus spricht ja: "Glaube nur!"
Ref.: Glauben will ich, Herr, mein Gott,
glauben fest bis in den Tod,
bis zum Schaun auf Zions Flur.
Jesus spricht ja: "Glaube nur!"
2) Oh, wie strahlt sein Geist so rein
in mein armes Herz hinein!