Spring Harvest Praise
New Songs for 2001

Erscheinungsjahr: 2001
114 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.
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Nr. |
Liedtitel |
Text / Autor |
1 |
A purple robe |
Timothy Dudley-Smith (1968) |
2 |
All the way, my Saviour leads me |
Fanny Crosby (1875) |
3 |
Amazing Grace |
John Newton (1779) |
4 |
Holy moment (As we come today) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
5 |
Beloved and blessed |
Stuart Townend (2000) |
6 |
Bless the Lord |
Godfrey Birtill (2000) |
7 |
Blessed are the humble souls |
Aus der Bibel |
8 |
Blessed are the poor |
Aus der Bibel |
9 |
By your grace |
Jayne Lewis (2000), Matt Ots (2000) |
10 |
Dancing on holy ground (Celebrate in the Lord) |
Evan Rogers (2000) |
11 |
Drawn from every tribe |
Faith Forster (2000), David Lyle Morris (2000) |
12 |
Empty broken here I stand (Kyrie Eleison) |
Anita Haigh (2000), Nick Haigh (2000) |
13 |
Everlasting, ever true |
Caroline Bonnett (2001), Sue Rinaldi (2001) |
14 |
Everything I am |
Ian Mizen (1996), Andy Pressdee (1996) |
15 |
What grace (Father to you) |
Graham Kendrick (2001) |
16 |
Giving it all to you |
Geraldine Latty (2000) |
17 |
God You're my God |
Stuart Garrrad (2000) |
18 |
God is our Father (The kingdom of heaven our goal) |
David Lyle Morris (2000), Nick Wynne-Jones (2000) |
19 |
Creation Praise (God of the mountains) |
Steve Bassett (2001), Caroline Bonnett (2001), Sue Rinaldi (2001) |
20 |
Grace and mercy |
Dave Bilbrough (2000) |
21 |
Have courage and wait |
Jill Sutheran (1997) |
22 |
He has come (Prepare the way) |
Darrell Evans (1999), Eric Nuzum (1999) |
23 |
Here in your arms |
Ken Riley (1999) |
24 |
Our Father (Hear our prayer) |
Don Moen (2000) |
25 |
Holy, holy is the Lord |
Dave Bilbrough (2000) |
26 |
Holy Holy Holy Holy Is The Lord God Almighty |
Robin Mark (2000) |
27 |
Holy One |
Andrew Ulugia (1998) |
28 |
Hope has found its home (For this cause) |
Joel Houston (2000) |
29 |
Fill me now (Hover o'er me) |
Elwood H. Stokes (1879) |
30 |
How can I repay you? |
Geraldine Latty (2000) |
31 |
I am amazed (Your grace covers me) |
Lara Martin (1999) |
32 |
I can feel your arms |
Ken Riley (1995) |
33 |
Here with me now (I Come To You) |
Paul Oakley (1999), Matt Parker (1999) |
34 |
I fix my eyes on You, on the things unseen |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
35 |
If I rise |
Jamie Haith (1997) |
36 |
If we call to him (Sing for joy) |
Lamont Hiebert (1996) |
37 |
I have come to love you |
Martin Cooper (1999), Paul Oakley (1999) |
38 |
The Father's Song (I have heard so many songs) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
39 |
I just want to love (I'll always love you) |
Tim Hughes (1998) |
40 |
I lift my eyes to You (Intimate stranger) |
Martin Smith (2000) |
41 |
I'm giving You my heart (Surrender) |
Marc James (2000) |
42 |
I'm on my knees |
Dave Bilbrough (2000) |
43 |
In awe of you we worship (You are near) |
Reuben Morgan (1999) |
44 |
I see the Lord |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
45 |
It is good |
Dan Adler (1997) |
46 |
I've thrown it all away (Take the world but give me Jesus) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
47 |
Jesus enthroned forever |
Godfrey Birtill (1999) |
48 |
Jesus, God to the rescue |
Godfrey Birtill (1999) |
49 |
Jesus Christ is waiting |
Graham Maule |
50 |
Jesus melt my cold heart (Take me deeper) |
Steve Bassett (2001), Caroline Bonnett (2001) |
51 |
The Jesus Song (Jesus, name above all names) |
Owen Hurter (2000) |
52 |
Jina la Yesu libarikiwe |
Kenia |
53 |
Keep me as the apple of your eye |
Jessica Colacuori (2000) |
54 |
King of love |
Doug Horley (1999) |
55 |
King of our lives |
David Lyle Morris (2000), Nick Wynne-Jones (2000) |
56 |
Here I Am To Worship (Light of the World) |
Tim Hughes (2000) |
57 |
Look what you've done in my life (Your love) |
Mick Goss (1999), Eoghan Heaslip (1999) |
58 |
Lord, we turn to you |
Mick Goss (2000), Becky Heaslip (2000), Eoghan Heaslip (2000) |
59 |
Lord your mercy (All I can do) |
Russ Hughes (2000) |
60 |
You have been patient (Mercy) |
Lynn DeShazo (1997), Gary Sadler (1997) |
61 |
My hope is in the Lord |
Robin Mark (2000) |
62 |
My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ |
Richard Creighton (2001), Keith Getty (2001) |
63 |
My Lord you wore no royal crown |
Christopher Idle (1978) |
64 |
Name above all names |
Neil Bennetts (2000) |
65 |
Nations rise (Let Your kingdom come) |
Craig Smith (2000) |
66 |
Jesus let me meet You (Now in reverence and awe) |
Graham Kendrick (1991) |
67 |
O changeless Christ, for ever new |
Timothy Dudley-Smith (1984) |
68 |
O God of love (How Good It Is) |
Lou Fellingham (2000), Nathan Fellingham (2000) |
69 |
O God and Spirit and Jesu the Three |
Cuthbert Compline (2000) |
71 |
Only you (Nothing compares to you) |
James Taylor (1999) |
72 |
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord |
Paul Baloche (1997) |
73 |
Kindness (Open up the skies of mercy) |
Louie Giglio (2000), Jesse Reeves (2000), Chris Tomlin (2000) |
74 |
Prepare the way |
Dave Bilbrough (2000) |
75 |
Sacred |
Steve Bassett (2001), Caroline Bonnett (2001), Sue Rinaldi (2001) |
76 |
I Simply Live For You (Say the word) |
Russell Fragar (1999) |
77 |
Love Mercy (Speak the truth) |
Ian White (2000) |
78 |
Take me to your sacred place |
Noel Richards (2000), Tricia Richards (2000) |
79 |
Take my life, and let it be consecrated |
Frances Ridley Havergal (1873) |
80 |
We remember you (Thank you for the blood) |
Simon Goodall (2000) |
81 |
The darkest hour |
G. R. Cowell |
82 |
The people who walk in darkness |
David Lyle Morris, Jussi Miettinen (2000) |
83 |
The voice of God (Show your glory) |
Dave Bilbrough (2000) |
84 |
There is a deeper love to know |
James Taylor (1999) |
85 |
There is no other name |
Robin Mark (1999) |
86 |
Outrageous Grace (There's a lot of pain) |
Godfrey Birtill (1999) |
87 |
God's Romance (There's a song) |
Martin Smith (2000) |
88 |
There's no love greater than Your love |
James Taylor (2000) |
89 |
This is your house |
Graham Kendrick (2001) |
90 |
This one desire |
Eoghan Heaslip (1999) |
91 |
Though trials will come (Consider it joy) |
Graham Kendrick (2001) |
92 |
Through days of rage and wonder |
Graham Kendrick (1998) |
93 |
We call upon your name (Arise King of kings) |
Mick Goss (2000), Becky Heaslip (2000), Eoghan Heaslip (2000) |
94 |
We cannot measure how you heal |
John L. Bell, Graham Maule |
95 |
Holy mountain (We have come) |
Russ Hughes (2000) |
96 |
Everything cries holy (We see the Lord) |
Robin Mark (2001) |
97 |
When you prayed beneath the trees |
Christopher Idle (1992) |
98 |
Whiter than the snow |
Mike Burn (1998) |
99 |
Who can stand before the Lord (Psalm 24) |
Geraldine Latty (2002), Carey Luce (2002) |
100 |
Who is this |
Sam Chaplin (2000) |
101 |
For the glory of my God (Why would I worship any other) |
Dave Chumchal (2001) |
102 |
Worthy, You are worthy |
Matt Redman (1999) |
103 |
Devotion (You are boundless mercy) |
Kathryn Scott (2000) |
104 |
Let my words be few (You are God in heaven) |
Matt Redman (2000), Beth Redman (2000) |
105 |
You are known as the Rock of Ages |
Robin Mark (2000) |
106 |
You are the one I love |
Caroline Bonnett (2001), Sue Rinaldi (2001) |
107 |
I want to go Your way (You can have my whole life) |
James Taylor (2001) |
108 |
You have been so good to us |
Simon Goodall (1998) |
109 |
You led me to the cross (Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross) |
Matt Redman (1999) |
110 |
This is how we overcome (Your light) |
Reuben Morgan (1998) |
111 |
Your love has captured me (Be glorified) |
Louie Giglio (1999), Chris Tomlin (1999) |
112 |
Your love is amazing (Hallelujah your love makes me sing) |
Brenton Brown (2000), Brian Doerksen (2000) |
113 |
Your whisper to my soul |
Brian Houston (2000) |
114 |
Yours is the kingdom and the power |
Dave Bilbrough (2001) |
115 |
You've put a new song (Justice and mercy) |
Matt Redman (2000) |