Info über Godfrey Birtill

Name: Godfrey Birtill

Godfrey Birtill ist eine nordirische Lobpreisleiterin.

27 Lieder von Godfrey Birtill

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After I've Done Everything (I Will Stand)Text & Melodie2004
Bless the LordText & Melodie2000
Come O Spirit Of The Fear Of The LordText & Melodie2005
Es gibt so viel Leid (Deine Gnade siegt)nur Melodie1999
Fear Not O Little FlockText & Melodie2005
God So Loved This Whole WorldText & Melodie2005
If it wasn’t for the bloodText & Melodie1999
Jesus enthroned foreverText & Melodie1999
Jesus, God to the rescueText & Melodie1999
Jesus, my strengthText & Melodie2007
Just One Touch From The KingText & Melodie2006
Lift up your heads (Alleluia)Text & Melodie2005
Looking For Your PresenceText & Melodie2000
Lord, Turn Your FootstepsText & Melodie2002
Lord, You are wonderfulText & Melodie2010
My theme song is God's loveText & Melodie2010
Outrageous Grace (There's a lot of pain)Text & Melodie1999
Purify My ImaginationText & Melodie2005
Raise up, raise up the standardnur Melodie2008Text ist verfügbar
Redeemed from the empty way of lifeText & Melodie2009
The die has been castText & Melodie2007
There Is A PromiseText & Melodie2005
Unbelief Is A Barren FieldText & Melodie2004
When I Look At The BloodText & Melodie2004
Where O Where's Your Presence O GodText & Melodie2004
Why do You stand? (Carry me)Text & Melodie2004
Wonderful God (I Will Set My Face)Text & Melodie2005
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