Great Hymns Treasury
55 Hymns of Faith

Erscheinungsjahr: 1997
55 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.
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Nr. |
Liedtitel |
Text / Autor |
4 |
A Child Of The King |
Harriet E. Buell (1877) |
6 |
Abide With Me (Eventide) |
Henry Francis Lyte (1847) |
8 |
All creatures of our God and King |
William Henry Draper (1913) |
10 |
All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name |
Edward Perronet (1780) |
12 |
All The Way My Savior Leads Me |
Fanny Crosby (1875) |
14 |
Amazing Grace |
John Newton (1779) |
16 |
Alas And Did My Savior Bleed (At the cross) |
Isaac Watts (1707) |
18 |
Be Thou My Vision |
Mary Elizabeth Byrne (1905), Eleanor H. Hull (1912) |
20 |
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Saint Christopher) |
Elizabeth C. Clephane (1868) |
22 |
Blest Be The Tie That Binds |
John Fawcett (1782) |
24 |
Close To Thee |
Fanny Crosby (1874) |
26 |
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing |
Robert Robinson (1758) |
28 |
Footsteps Of Jesus |
Mary Bridges Canedy Slade (1871) |
30 |
For The Beauty Of The Earth |
Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1864) |
34 |
God Of Grace And God Of Glory |
Harry E. Fosdick (1930) |
36 |
God Of Our Fathers |
Daniel C. Roberts (1876) |
40 |
Have Thine Own Way, Lord |
Adelaide Addison Pollard (1906) |
42 |
He Hideth My Soul |
Fanny Crosby (1890) |
44 |
His Eye Is On The Sparrow |
Civilla Durfee Martin (1905) |
50 |
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty |
Reginald Heber (1826) |
53 |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation |
Catherine Winkworth (1858) |
56 |
How Firm a Foundation |
John Rippon (1787) |
58 |
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds |
John Newton (1774) |
60 |
I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord |
Timothy Dwight (1800) |
62 |
I Love To Tell The Story |
Arabella Katherine Hankey (1866), William Gustavus Fischer (1869) |
66 |
Immortal, Invisible |
Walter Chalmers Smith (1867) |
68 |
In The Garden |
Charles Austin Miles (1912) |
70 |
When peace like a river (It is well with my soul) |
Horatio Gates Spafford (1873) |
72 |
Jesus, lover of my soul |
Charles Wesley (1740) |
74 |
Jesus Paid It All (I hear the Savior say) |
Elvina Mable Hall (1865) |
76 |
Just A Closer Walk With Thee |
Unbekannt |
78 |
The Lily Of The Valley |
Charles W. Fry (1881) |
80 |
Love Lifted Me |
James Rowe (1912) |
82 |
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place |
Eliza Edmunds Hewitt (1891) |
84 |
My Faith Looks Up To Thee |
Ray Palmer (1830) |
86 |
Jesus, keep me near the cross |
Fanny Crosby (1869) |
88 |
Near To The Heart Of God |
Cleland Boyd McAfee (1903) |
90 |
O for a thousand tongues to sing |
Charles Wesley (1739) |
92 |
O God, our help in ages past |
Isaac Watts (1708) |
94 |
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee |
Washington Gladden (1879) |
96 |
The Old Rugged Cross (On a hill far away) |
George Bennard (1913) |
98 |
Precious Memories |
John B. F. Wright (1925) |
101 |
Saviour, like a shepherd lead us |
Dorothy A. Thrupp (1836) |
104 |
Rejoice, The Lord Is King |
Charles Wesley (1744) |
106 |
Ring The Bells Of Heaven |
William O. Cushing (1856) |
108 |
Softly And Tenderly |
William Lamartine Thompson (1880) |
112 |
Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart |
George Croly (1854) |
114 |
There Is A Balm In Gilead |
Spiritual |
116 |
This Is My Father's World |
Maltbie D. Babcock (1901) |
119 |
We're marching to Zion |
Isaac Watts (1707) |
126 |
'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus |
Louisa M. R. Stead (1882) |
128 |
To God be the glory (Praise the Lord) |
Fanny Crosby (1875) |
130 |
Wonderful Words Of Life |
Philip Paul Bliss (1874) |
132 |
What wondrous love is this |
Virginia (1811) |
134 |
Were you there when they crucified my Lord |
Spiritual |