1) Lord speak to me that I may speak
In living echoes of Thy tone
As Thou hast sought so let me seek
Thy erring children lost and lone
2) O lead me Lord that I may lead
The wandering and the wavering feet
O feed me Lord that I may feed
Your hungering ones with manna sweet
3) O strengthen me that while I stand
Firm on the rock and...
1) Lord, thy word abideth,
and our footsteps guideth;
who its truth believeth
light and joy receiveth.
2) When our foes are near us,
then thy word doth cheer us,
word of consolation,
message of salvation.
3) When the storms are o'er us,
and dark clouds before us,
then its light directeth,
and our way...
Lord, you alone are enough for me.
Lord, you alone are enough for me.
Of all the riches of the world that I cant see,
Lord, you alone are enough for me.
Lord, you establish peace for us;
we have accomplished,
we have accomplished,
you have done, done for us.
Lord, you establish peace for us;
you have done for us. Amen.
Herr, für uns schaffst Frieden du,
alles was wir tun, alles was wir tun,
gabst du uns, gabst du uns.
Herr, für uns schaffst Frieden du,
schaffst Frieden du. Amen.
Los, komm, steh auf, hier geht die Post ab!
Häng nicht so rum, wir wollen tanzen, gut drauf sein!
Los, komm, steh auf, hier geht die Post ab!
Häng nicht so rum, wir wollen tanzen, gut drauf sein!
Halleluja, Halleluja, Halleluja, Halleluja! Halleluja!
Gott, du bist mir nah, und ich brauch' dich.
Mir geht's richtig gut, wenn deine...
Löse uns, erlöse uns, du Gott, erbarm dich unser. (2x)
Binde uns, verbinde uns, du Gott, erbarm dich unser. (2x)
1) Losgerissen vom Getümmel
sammelt meine Seele sich,
und hinauf zum Sternenhimmel
blickt mein Auge. Feierlich
ist die Stille; sanft erheitert
weil ich hier nach Tages Schmerz,
und zum Hochgefühl erweitert
klopft's empor, mein fühlend' Herz.
2) Großer Schauplatz! droben funkeln
Welten in erhabner Pracht,
um mich her...
1) Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and Angels gave the sign.
2) Worship we the Godhead,
Love Incarnate, Love Divine;
Worship we our Jesus:
But wherewith for sacred sign?
3) Love shall be our token,
Love shall be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all...
1) Love divine all loves excelling
Joy of heaven to earth come down
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling
All Thy faithful mercies crown
Jesus Thou art all compassion
Pure unbounded love Thou art
Visit us with Thy salvation
Enter every trembling heart
2) Breathe O breathe Thy loving Spirit
Into every troubled breast
Let us all in Thee...
1) I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore,
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
From the waters lifted me, now safe am I.
Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me.
Love lifted me! Love lifted me!
When nothing...