1) Lord of our life and God of our salvation,
Star of our night and Hope of ev'ry nation:
Hear and receive Your Church's supplication,
Lord God Almighty.
2) See round Your ark the hungry billows curling;
See how Your foes their banners are unfurling
And with great spite their fiery darts are hurling,
O Lord, preserve...
1) Lord, enthroned in heav'nly splendor,
first-begotten from the dead,
Thou alone, our strong Defender,
liftest up Thy people's head.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Jesus, true and living Bread!
2) Prince of Life, for us Thou livest,
by Thy body souls are healed;
Prince of Peace, Thy peace Thou givest,
by Thy blood is pardon...
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy upon us!
Christ, o have mercy upon us!
Lord, have mercy upon us!
Lord, how come me here?
Lord, how come me here?
Lord, how come me here?
I wish I never was born
There ain’t no freedom here, Lord
There ain’t no freedom here, Lord
There ain’t no freedom here, Lord
I wish I never was born
They treat me so mean here, Lord
They treat me so mean here, Lord
They treat me so mean here, Lord
I wish I...
Lord, I am not worthy, that you should enter, under my roof. (2x)
But only say the word, only say the word, only say the word, and my soul shall be heald. (2x)
Lord, I know I've been changed,
Lord, I know I've been changed,
Lord, I know I've been changed,
The angels in heaven sing psamoldy.
Lord, I know I've been changed,
Lord, I know I've been changed,
Lord, I know I've been changed,
The angels in heaven sing psamoldy.
Went down to the river of Jordan,
The water...
1) Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart,
in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart.
2) Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart,
in-a my heart,
Lord, I want to be more loving in-a my heart.
In-a my heart, in-a my heart,
Lord, I want...
1) Lord, it is eventide: the light of day is waning;
Far o'er the golden land earth's voices faint and fall;
Lowly we pray to You for strength and love sustaining,
Lowly we ask of You Your peace upon us all.
O grant unto our souls -
2) Light that grows not pale with day's decrease,
Love that never can fail till life...
Lord, oh Lord, hear our prayer.
Herr, mein Gott, hör unser Gebet. (2x)