Alphabetisches Autorenverzeichnis von 11.382 Personen

Name Geboren Gestorben Anzahl Lieder
Cabardin, C. 2
Cabello, Rodolfo 2
Cabug, Eddie 1
Cadman, A. 1
Cahlenus, Friedrich 1
Caldara, Antonio 1670 1736 6
Caldbeck, George Thomas 1
Caldwell, W. 1
Calirius, Johann Heinrich 1633 1698 1
Calisius, Johann Heinrich 2
Calkin, John Baptiste 1827 1905 2
Callsen, Sören 1
Calvisius, Seth 1556 1615 4
Camara, Dom Helder 2
Cameron, Robert 1
Cammerhof, Johann Christoph Friedrich 1721 1751 3
Camp, Jeremy 1978 3
Camp, Rita 1954 2
Camp­bell, Ro­bert 1814 1868 1
Campbell, Emma 1830 1919 1
Campbell, Jane Montgomery 1
Campbell, Thomas 1777 1844 3
Campbell, Warryn 1
Campbell, Andy 1
Campbell, Wes 1
Campbell, Priscilla Mae 1
Campe, Joachim Heinrich 1746 1818 1
Camphuysien, Dirk Raphaelszoon 1586 1627 3
Campos, Denis 1
Çamsun, Gürkan 1
Candace, Greg 2
Cândido, José 1
Canitz, Friedrich Rudolf Ludwig von 1
Cannon, Buddy 1
Cant, Pete 1923 2008 1
Cantellow, Steve 1
Cantelon, Ben 1983 65
Cantwell, E. M. Dudley 1
Capito, Wolfgang 1478 1541 1
Cappeau, Placide 1808 1877 1
Caprivi, Julius Leopold von 1
Carawan, Guy 1
Card, Michael 6
Carey, Maria 1
Carey, Henry 1687 1743 3
Carins, Ryan 1
Carins, Chelsea 1
Carl, Ingemar 1
Carl, Johannes 1806 1887 1
Carl, Christoph 1653 3
Carlebach, Shlomo 1925 1994 5
Carleton, Bob 1
Carlson, Rick 1
Carlson, Joseph D. 1
Carlyle, Thomas 1795 1881 1
Carmesin, Christiane 1
Carmichael, Adam 2
Carmichael, Ralph 17
Carmina, Templi 1
Carnes, Cody 8
Carouthers, Mark 2
Carpenter, Kelly 2
Carpenter, Matthew 1
Carr, Kurt 1928 3
Carr, David 1936 2009 6
Carson, Christine 1948 1
Carson, Daniel 14
Carswell, Eddie 1
Cartageno, António 1
Cartee, Carl 2
Carter, Sydney 8
Carter, Russell Kelso 1849 1928 4
Carter, Andy 1949 3
Cartford, Gerhard 1923 2016 2
Cartwright, Sue 1
Cartwright, Christopher 2
Carver, Matthew 1
Carver, Cindy Mc 1
Casaert, Lucas 1
Casaert, Fr. Lucas 2
Cäsar, Heinrich 1627 1669 1
Case, Eric 1
Case, Charles C. 1860 1933 1
Case, Joel 1971 2
Caselius, Martin 1
Cash, Ed 1971 67
Cash, Franni 2
Cash, Martin 2
Cash, Scott 1945 5
Cash, Johnny 1
Caspers, Norbert 1
Cassel, Flora Hamilton 1852 1911 2
Caswall, Edward 1814 1878 5
Caswell, Peggy 1
Cate, Jo Ann 1
Cates, Bill 1
Cates, Jess 4
Cates, Chad 2
Cato, Lurine 1
Catz, C. C. 1964 1
Caudtovà, Margaréta 1
Caylor, Jeff 1
Cecile, Sr. 1
Celano, Thomas von 1190 1260 1
Celle 3
Cennick, John 1718 1755 2
Chadney, Daniel 2
Chadwick, James 1891 1974 1
Chaffer, Don 1917 1990 2
Chaffer, Lori 1
Chait, Baruch 2
Chalk, Martin 1
Challinor, Frederic A. 1
Chambers, Brent 13
Chambers, Guy Antony 1
Chambers, Matthew 1
Chambers, Danny 2
Chambi, Zoilo Yanapa 2
Chance, Catherine 4
Chance, Michael 1955 2
Chance, Kay 1
Chance, Mike 7
Chandler, John 1806 1876 2
Chandler, Lauren 1
Chaplin, Sam 1
Chapman, Gary 2
Chapman, Morris 6
Chapman, Steven Curtis 1962 11
Chapman, John Wilbur 1859 1918 3
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine 1704 2
Charton, Julia 1
Chase, Edith 1
Chawafambira, Hazel 1
Chemnitz 1
Chernoff, Joel 1
Cherry, Edith Gilling 1
Cherubini, Luigi 1760 1842 2
Chester, Tim 3
Chesterton, Frances 1
Chesworth, Josh 1
Chetham, Johann 1
Chew, Debbie 1
Chichester, Richard of 1
Chilcott, Bob 1
Childers, John 1
Chile 4
China 8
Chisholm, Thomas O. 1866 1960 1
Chislett, Michael Guy 10
Chisum, John 9
Chladni, Martin 1
Choir, The Messengers 3
Choon, Kim Chai 1
Chopin, Frederic 1
Chrestel, Ernst Helmut 1
Christ, Friedrich 1
Christ, Michael 1989 3
Christ, D. W. 1
Christensen, Chris 3
Christian, Albert Heinrich 1
Christiansen, Avis Burgeson 1895 1985 3
Christiansen, Inken 2
Christill, Horst 1959 92
Christlein, Walter 1
Christmas, Charles 1
Christus, Jugend für 11
Christusträger-Schwestern 2
Chrobak, Miroslav 4
Chroust, Peter 2
Chrysler, Keith 2
Chua, Steve 2
Chuchra, Ulrike 5
Chumchal, Dave 3
Churches, World Council of 2
Churchill, Wendy 2
Cimino, Richard 2
Cipri, Valerio 5
Ciria, Eduardo 1
Cirilo, Antonio 1
Clairvaux, Bernhard von 1
Clampett, Katelyn 1
Clapton, Eric 1945 1
Claren, Johanna 1
Clark, Graeme 1935 2
Clark, Eugene L. 1951 2
Clarke, Jeremiah 1674 1707 5
Clarke, Harry D. 1888 1957 4
Clarke, Gary 1984 2
Clarke, Liz 1
Clarke, Darren 1968 4
Clarkson, Edith Margaret 1915 2008 1
Clasen, Matthias 1
Clasen, Hans-Werner 1
Clasen, Merle 4
Clauder, Joseph 1586 1653 1
Claudius, Matthias 1740 1815 19
Claudius, Hermann 1878 1980 5
Claudy, Marga 3
Claus, Andreas 12
Clausen, H. C. 1
Clausen, Claus 1899 1989 1
Clausen, Holger 19
Clausnitzer, Tobias 1619 1684 5
Claussen, Ulf 1
Clay, Phil 1983 1
Clayborn, Jason 1
Clayton, Norman John 10
Clayton, Chris 1
Clemens, Gottfried 1706 1776 1
Clemens, Christian Gottfried 1743 1815 2
Clement, Michael John 2
Clemm, James B. O. 1855 1927 1
Cleobury, Stephen 1
Clephane, Elizabeth C. 1830 1869 1
Cleveland, James 1
Cleveland, Dennis 2
Clewett, Bruce 3
Clifton, David 3
Clodius, Christian 2
Clodt-Jürgensburg, Elisabeth von 2
Cloninger, Claire 5
Clöter, Chr. 1
Clow, Lisa 1
Clowe, Jane 1
Clowe, Betsy 1
Coates, Gerald 6
Coates, Eric 1
Coats, James Buchanan 1
Cobb, Austin 11
Cobb, Linda 1
Coblenz-Arfken, Katharina 3
Cocagnac, Auguste-Maurice Jean 8
Cocchiaro, Matilde 2
Cochen, P. Martin 1
Cochran, Gordon 1
Cocotiers 1
Codner, Elizabeth 1
Coelho, Terrye 1952 6
Coenen, Hans 1
Coenen, Hermann Josef 1
Coffin, Henry Sloane 1877 1954 1
Coggan, Pete 1
Coghill, Annie Louisa 1836 1907 1
Cohen, Samuel 1
Cohen, Leonard 1
Coile, Ron 1
Colacuori, Jessica 1
Colberg, Erich 1901 1966 1
Cole, Dagmar 1
Cole, Randy 1
Cole, Rick 1
Collective, Rend 31
Collin, Heinrich Joseph von 1772 1811 1
Collins, Dan 1990 1
Collins, Brandon 5
Collins, Georg Ludwig 1
Collins, Phili 1951 1
Collison, Valerie 2
Colom, Alfredo 2
Colpet, Max 1
Colum, Padraic 1
Colvin, Tom 1925 2000 1
Combé, Friedl 1
Combes, Kendall 13
Comer, John Mark 2
Comerford, Jane 1959 1
Comfort, Peter 2
Comitas 4
Community, Iona 14
CompassionArt 16
Compline, Cuthbert 1
Conder, Josiah 1789 1855 2
Conder, George W. 1
Condray, Beverly L. 1
Condrey, Seth 1
Confucio, Roberto 3
Congi, Tony 1
Conkey, I. 1
Connaughton, Luke 1
Conolly, Richard 1
Conrad, Fredi 1
Conrad, Johannes 1
Conrad, Ralf 1949 10
Conrad, Adolf 1
Conradi, Steffi 1
Conry, Tom 1
Constantia, Gräfin zu Solms-Baruth Helena 1
Conty, Sophie 3
Converse, Charles C. 1832 1918 6
Conz, Karl Philipp 1
Cook, Rick 1971 1
Cook, Robert Mc 1
Cook, Dave 1
Cook, Vikki 14
Cook, Jerry 1943 1
Cook, Amanda 6
Cook, Rich 1
Cook, Martha A. 1806 1874 1
Cook, Steve 1991 12
Cook, Jay 1944 1
Cooke, William H. 1
Cooke, Arnold Atkinson 1
Cooley, Lindell 3
Coombs, Lorayne 2
Coomes, Tommy 2
Cooper, W. G. 1
Cooper, G. 1
Cooper, Edward 1
Cooper, Jarrod 2
Cooper, Greg 1
Cooper, Martin 1928 8
Coots, John Frederick 1
Cope, Chris 1
Corbach, Martin 11
Corbach, Dieter 6
Corbach, Liselotte 1
Corbett, Sondra 2
Coritz, Ida A. 1
Cormac 1
Cornelius, R. H. 1
Cornelius, Martin 1
Cornelius, Peter 1824 1874 3
Corner, David Gregor 1585 1648 3
Coronel, David 4
Correll, Rob 1
Cortazio, Lucas 2
Corth, Michael 1971 1
Corum, Casey 1
Cory, Trent 1
Cosin, John 1594 1672 1
Costa, Ana Da 1
Costello, Neil 1
Coston, Michael 1
Cothraim, Jeff 1
Cotterill, Thomas 1
Cottrell, Travis 3
Couard, Christian Ludwig 2
Couch, Alex 1
Courad, Johann 1695 1773 1
Courrèges, Gaëtan de 3
Courteville, Raphael 1
Coussemaker, Edmond de 1805 1876 1
Coutts, Philip 1
Coverdale, Miles 1
Coviello, Steve 2
Cowan, Jim 1
Cowart, Benji 3
Cowell, G. R. 1
Cowper, William 5
Cox, Sidney E. 2
Cox, Becki 2
Cox, Sam 1964 7
Cox, Frances Elizabeth 1812 1897 2
Cozens, Spencer 1
Crabtree, Roy 1
Crabtree, Jonny 1
Craft, Garland 1
Craig, Shawn 1
Crailsheim 2
Cramer, Johann Andreas 1723 1788 42
Cramer, Johann Christoph 1
Cramer, Kornelia 1960 14
Crantz, Laurentius Wilhelm 2
Crasselius, Bartholomäus 1667 1724 7
Cratzius, Barbara 1929 2006 17
Crawford, Emily May 1
Crawford, Percy B. 1
Crayenord, Case 1972 8
Creaton, Geraldine 1
Creeper, M. A. 1
Creighton, Richard 1
Cressey, Roger 1
Creutzberg, Amadeus 1
Crisanto, Kelit 1
Critchley, Robert 15
Critchley, Dawn 2
Critchley, Paul 1
Crocker, Matt 49
Crocker, Elizabeth 1
Crockett, Peter 1
Croegaert, Jim 1
Croft, William 1678 1727 12
Croft, Beth 9
Croix, J. Jacob de la 1
Croly, George 1
Cromwell, Todd 1
Cronegk, Johann Friedrich von 1731 1758 1
Cronenwett, Emanuel 1841 1931 1
Croo, Robert 1849 1919 1
Crook, Eddie 1966 2
Crosby, Fanny 1820 1915 23
Crossman, Samuel 1624 1683 1
Crouch, Andraé 1942 2015 35
Crouch, Sandra 4
Crouch, Paul 1920 2012 1
Crowder, David 1971 25
Cruciger, Elisabeth 1500 1535 3
Crüger, Johann 1598 1662 102
Cruikshank, Paul 1
Crull, August 1845 1923 4
Crum, John Macleod Campbell 1872 1958 1
Cruse, Benjamin 1978 1
Crusius, Thomas 1
Cruz, Luiza 1
Csanády, Thomas 11
Cuba, Iglesia C. Pentecostal de 1
Cuerret-Fourneau, C. 1
Cull, Robert 2
Cullen, Tim 1976 2
Culver, Caleb 2
Culverwell, Andrew 1
Cummings, William Hayman 1
Cundisius, Johann 1
Cunningham, Adam 1
Cunningham, Grant 1
Cuno, Johann Christian 1
Cunow, Christian Friedrich 2
Cunow, Gottfried Andreas 1803 1866 1
Cunrad, Christiana 1591 1625 1
Cüring, E. 1
Curran, Sean 1
Currie, Keith 2
Curschmann, Karl Friedrich 1805 1841 1
Curtis, Gregory 2
Curtis, Nathan 1
Curtz, Albert 1600 1671 1
Cushing, William O. 1823 1902 4
Custer, Jim 2
Cuthbert, Sebastian 9
Cuthbert, Bob 1
Cuthbert, Karin 1
Cutler, Henry S. 2
Cutrona, Henry 1
Cutts, Peter Warwick 1
Cymbala, Carol 1
Cymorek, Dorothea 1
Czabanski, Gabi 1
Czeschin, Gieselheid 4
Czilsky, Karl Julius Stanislaus 2