Liederbuch: Worship Songs

Worship Songs

Ancient & Modern

Liederbuch: Worship Songs Erscheinungsjahr: 1992

The aim behind this collection of 100 worship songs is to build on the urge to break the "straight-jacket" of the conventional hymn and to broaden the appeal of church music. The songs have a contemporary feel, but also a standard of words and music fitting for the worship of God.

98 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.


Nr. Liedtitel Text / Autor
2 Dona nobis pacem (Kanon)
3 A purple robe (1968)
4 An upper room (1974)
5 As Jacob with travel (Jacob's ladder)
6 As the deer longs for streams of water (1992)
7 At one with God (1992)
8 Before we take the body of our Lord ,
9 Be still for the presence of the Lord (1986)
10 Bethlehem Carol (Hear the bells) (1992), (1992)
11 Bread is blessed and broken (Grace in Essence) (1989), (1989)
12 Christ be beside me , (1969)
13 Christ in the stranger's guise (1988), (1988)
14 Christ triumphant, ever reigning (1964)
16 Come quickly, Lord! (1989)
17 Comes Mary to the grave (1982)
18 Dark the night
19 Day by day, dear Lord
20 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (1674)
21 Easter canon (Now is Christ risen)
22 Easter song of praise Unbekannt
23 Exult, creation round God's throne (1989)
24 Everlasting Love (Everlasting Father) (1992)
25 Father in Heaven (Harrow Weald) (1964)
26 Fairest Lord Jesus
27 Father God in heaven, Lord most high , (1982)
28 Father, I adore You (Kanon) (1972)
29 Gather us in (1982)
30 God in His love for us (Stewardship) (1973)
31 God of light and life's creation (1982)
32 God You Are Full Of Grace And Mercy (To Love The Lost) (2004)
33 He comes to us as one unknown (1973)
34 He that is down needs fear no fall
35 I am the bread (Picket Wood) (1988)
36 I come with joy to meet my Lord (1971)
37 I'll go in the strength of the Lord
38 I'll praise the Lord for ever (1990)
39 In silent pain the eternal Son (1992)
40 I want Jesus to walk with me
41 I wonder as I wander
42 I would be true
43 Jesus, I know you came (1981)
44 Jesus the Liberator
45 Jesus The Lord Said (Yisu Ne Kaha) (1962)
46 Jubilate, everybody
47 Let us break bread together
48 Let us talents and tongues employ (1975)
49 Light of the World (Light beyond shadow) (1992)
50 Like the murmur of the dove's song (1982)
51 Living Lord (Lord Jesus Christ) (1960)
52 Lord Jesus, you have promised (1993)
53 Majesty, worship His Majesty (1976)
54 Make me a channel of your peace (O Master) (1967)
55 Make way, make way (1986)
56 Morning glory, starlit sky (1980)
57 Moses left his palace
58 Now the silence (1969)
59 O bless the Lord, O my soul ,
60 O Christ, the healer (1969)
61 O Lord, my God (1992)
62 O sing a song of Bethlehem
63 O gracious Light (1982)
64 One more step along the world I go (1971)
65 Reach out and touch the Lord (1958)
66 Rejoice in the Lord always
67 Sent forth by God's blessing (1964)
68 Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Creator God) (1970)
69 See Him lying on a bed of straw (Calypso Carol) (1965)
70 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (1972)
71 Shine, Jesus, shine (Lord the light of Your love) (1987)
72 Show me your hands (1992)
73 Sing a new song to the Lord , (1971)
74 Sing, Sing, Sing To The Lord (1992)
75 Spirit of faith, by faith be mine (1988)
76 Spirit of holiness Wisdom and faithfulness (1982)
77 Sing of the Lord's goodness (1981)
78 Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me (1935)
79 The bread of life
80 Be known to us in breaking bread
81 The hands of Christ (1982)
82 The Lord is here (1985)
83 The Lord's Day (Jesus, we want to meet) (1964)
84 Then the glory (1987)
85 There's a spirit in the air (1979)
86 The song of the supper ,
87 They killed him as a common thief (1992)
88 I found him cradled (Three days on) (1992)
89 Tis the gift to be simple Unbekannt
90 We cannot measure how you heal ,
91 We do not know how to pray (1946)
92 We remembered on the road
93 We will lay our burden down (1989), (1989)
94 Were you there when they crucified my Lord
95 What wondrous love is this (1811)
96 When we are down you raise us up (1992)
97 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire ,
98 When you prayed beneath the trees (1992)
99 With wonder, Lord
100 You shall go out (The trees of the field) (1975)