The Survivor Songbook
Includes 200 songs with lyrics and chord charts

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
Includes 200 songs with lyrics and chord charts. Inkl. CD
200 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.
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Nr. |
Liedtitel |
Text / Autor |
1 |
All around the world |
Paul Oakley (1997) |
2 |
Brighter than the sun (All around Your throne) |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
3 |
All my life, all my will, every day (True Surrender) |
Liz Holland (1999) |
4 |
Amazing Grace |
John Newton (1779) |
5 |
Are the prayers of the saints? |
Matt Redman (1998) |
6 |
Holy moment (As we come today) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
7 |
Awake, awake, O church |
Matt Redman (1996) |
8 |
Can a nation be changed |
Matt Redman (1996) |
9 |
I'm Coming Up The Mountain (Can I Ascend) |
Matt Redman (1999) |
10 |
Can I call You my Friend (At the cross) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
11 |
Come, now is the time to worship |
Brian Doerksen (1998) |
12 |
Singer's song (Come on all us singers) |
Martin Smith (1993) |
13 |
Cover me |
Martin Cooper (2000), Paul Oakley (2000) |
14 |
Pure, pure heart (Create in me) |
Matt Redman (1995) |
15 |
Deeper than I've ever known (This love) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
16 |
Did you feel the mountains tremble |
Martin Smith (1994) |
17 |
The eyes of my heart (Every day) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
18 |
Fire! There's a fire |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
19 |
Friend of sinners |
Matt Redman (1994) |
20 |
Give thanks to the Lord (Forever God is faithful) |
Chris Tomlin (2001) |
21 |
God of restoration (I am Yours) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
22 |
God You're my God |
Stuart Garrrad (2000) |
23 |
Saviour and Friend (Have we forgotten?) |
Andy Ferrett (1999) |
24 |
Fill us up and send us out (Have You not said) |
Matt Redman (1995) |
25 |
Heart of the Father |
Paul Booth (2000) |
26 |
Heaven opened (Praise) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
27 |
He is holy, holy, holy |
Ken Riley (1999) |
28 |
He is the Lord (Show Your power) |
Kevin Prosch (1991) |
29 |
Here am I a sinner free |
Matt Redman (1995) |
30 |
I will always love Your name (Here I Am) |
Paul Oakley (1997) |
31 |
Here I am, once again (Pour out my heart) |
Craig Musseau (1993) |
32 |
Here in your arms |
Ken Riley (1999) |
33 |
Here I stand (On love with God) |
James Gregory (2000) |
34 |
Hey, Lord, O, Lord (You know what we need) |
Kevin Prosch (1996) |
35 |
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, God Almighty |
Nathan Fellingham (1995) |
36 |
Better is one day (How lovely is Your dwelling place) |
Matt Redman (1994) |
37 |
Hungry I come to you (I'm falling on my knees) |
Kathryn Scott (1999) |
38 |
I am yours (Pure like you) |
David Gate (1997) |
39 |
I come as l am (Closer) |
Ken Riley (1999) |
40 |
I come running (Only You) |
Paul Oakley (2000) |
41 |
Here with me now (I Come To You) |
Paul Oakley (1999), Matt Parker (1999) |
42 |
Just to be with You (I come, wanting just to be with You) |
Paul Booth (1998) |
43 |
I could sing unending songs (The Happy Song) |
Martin Smith (1994) |
44 |
If I ever stop (So good) |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
45 |
I fix my eyes on You, on the things unseen |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
46 |
I have come to love you |
Martin Cooper (1999), Paul Oakley (1999) |
47 |
I have come to love you |
Matt Redman (1995) |
48 |
The Father's Song (I have heard so many songs) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
49 |
I just want to love (I'll always love you) |
Tim Hughes (1998) |
50 |
A life of love (I know You love an offering) |
David Gate (1999) |
51 |
You must Increase (I lift You high) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
52 |
I love You more each day |
Ken Riley (2001) |
53 |
I love You (Anthem) |
John Ellis (1999) |
54 |
I love You, Lord (Joy) |
John Ellis (1997) |
55 |
I met You (Glory) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
56 |
I'm giving You my heart (Surrender) |
Marc James (2000) |
57 |
I'm learning to love You |
Paul Oakley (1998) |
58 |
Crying out to You (I need You now) |
Paul Oakley (1998) |
59 |
In the secret (I want to know You) |
Andy Park (1995) |
60 |
In the shadow of the cross |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
61 |
In this stillness |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
62 |
In Your arms of love I sing |
James Gregory (1999) |
63 |
I remember the day (Can You hear us?) |
Jeff Searles (1995) |
64 |
History Maker (Is it true today) |
Martin Smith (1996) |
65 |
Kiss the river (I still remember) |
Paul Oakley (1999) |
66 |
I thank You for the cross |
Ken Riley (1999) |
67 |
It's Rising Up |
Matt Redman (1995), Martin Smith (1995) |
68 |
Through the veil (I've come to meet with You) |
Tim Beck (1999) |
69 |
I've dreamed my life (Rain) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
70 |
I've filled my days with details (To be still) |
David Gate (2001) |
71 |
I've Got A Love Song In My Heart |
Matt Redman (1993) |
72 |
I've thrown it all away (Take the world but give me Jesus) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
73 |
I want to be before Your throne (As I am known) |
Paul Oakley (2000) |
74 |
I want to be holy, I want to be righteous |
Paul Oakley (1997), Alan Rose (1997) |
75 |
I was lost (Like a child) |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
76 |
Undignified (I will dance, I will sing) |
Matt Redman (1995) |
77 |
Lay myself down (I will follow You to the cross) |
Caroline Bonnett (1998), Sue Rinaldi (1998) |
78 |
For the cross |
Matt Redman (1998), Beth Redman (1998) |
79 |
I will never be the same |
Kevin Jamieson, Paul Oakley (1998) |
80 |
I will offer up my life (This thankful heart) |
Matt Redman (1994) |
81 |
You're Worthy Of My Praise (I will worship with all of my heart) |
David Ruis (1991) |
82 |
Be the centre |
Michael Frye (1999) |
83 |
Once Again (Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice) |
Matt Redman (1995) |
84 |
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel |
Martyn Layzell (2001) |
85 |
Jesus, forgive me |
Martin Lore (1993) |
86 |
Jesus Lover of My Soul (It's all about You Jesus) |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
87 |
Jesus, my desire |
Martyn Layzell (2001) |
88 |
Can I see heaven (Jesus taught us how to pray) |
James Gregory (2000) |
89 |
Jesus, you alone (must be my first love) |
Tim Hughes (1999) |
90 |
Jesus, Your beauty (Holy river) |
Sue Rinaldi (1998) |
91 |
King Jesus, I believe the words |
Martyn Layzell (2000) |
92 |
King of history (Redemption Hymn) |
David Gate (2001) |
93 |
King of love |
Martin Smith (1994) |
94 |
Let everything that has breath |
Matt Redman (1997) |
95 |
Here I Am To Worship (Light of the World) |
Tim Hughes (2000) |
96 |
Look what You've done |
John Ellis (1997) |
97 |
Lord, hear the music of my heart |
Matt Redman (1998) |
98 |
What I Have Vowed (Lord I Am Not My Own) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
99 |
Lord, let Your glory fall (You are good) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
100 |
Lord, my request (It's the way You walk with me) |
Mark Baldry (1999) |
101 |
Lord of the Dance |
Kevin Prosch (1998) |
102 |
Lord, to love You more |
Hayley Gergory (2000), James Gregory (2000) |
103 |
Head over heels (Lord, when I think of You) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
104 |
Lord You Have My Heart |
Martin Smith (1992) |
105 |
Now to live the life (Many are the words we speak) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
106 |
Draw me near (May I sing a song of love) |
David Gate (1997) |
107 |
May the words of my mouth |
Rob Hill (2000), Tim Hughes (2000) |
108 |
Shout to the North (Men of faith, rise up) |
Martin Smith (1995) |
109 |
More than oxygen |
Brian Doerksen (1994) |
110 |
Moving with the Father, Spirit and the Son |
Ken Riley (2001) |
111 |
My eyes had never seen Your beauty (Reward) |
John Ellis (1999), Martyn Layzell (1999), Matt Redman (1999) |
112 |
My Jesus, my lifeline |
Tim Hughes (1997) |
113 |
My Jesus, My Saviour (Shout To The Lord) |
Darlene Zschech (1993) |
114 |
No longer just servants (O How Can It Be) |
Matt Redman (1994) |
115 |
You opened up my eyes (Not by words and not by deeds) |
Martyn Layzell (1999) |
116 |
Nothing in this world |
Tim Hughes (1998) |
117 |
Nothing Is Too Much To Ask |
Mike Pilavachi (2000), Matt Redman (2000) |
118 |
Light of the World (O Jesus, Son of God) |
Matt Redman (1999) |
119 |
O Lord, I am devoted to You (Devoted) |
Martyn Layzell (1998) |
120 |
How Great Thou Art (O Lord my God) |
Stuart K. Hine (1953) |
121 |
O sacred King |
Matt Redman (1999) |
122 |
O come, all ye faithful |
John Francis Wade (1751), Frederick Oakeley (1852) |
123 |
Oh fallen one (Arise) |
James Gergory (2000) |
124 |
Oh Kneel Me Down Again (Humble King) |
Brenton Brown (1999) |
125 |
Oh lead me |
Martin Smith (1994) |
126 |
Oh our Lord and King (King Forever) |
Alan Rose (1997) |
127 |
One sacrifice and I am free |
James Gergory (2000) |
128 |
One thing I ask |
Paul Oakley (2000) |
129 |
One thing my heart is set upon (Intimacy) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
130 |
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord |
Paul Baloche (1997) |
131 |
Open up the gates of heaven |
Paul Oakley (1998) |
132 |
Kindness (Open up the skies of mercy) |
Louie Giglio (2000), Jesse Reeves (2000), Chris Tomlin (2000) |
133 |
Lord, reign in me (Over all the earth) |
Brenton Brown (1998) |
134 |
I could sing of Your love forever (Over the mountains and the sea) |
Martin Smith (1994) |
135 |
At the foot of the cross (Praises) |
David Gate (1999) |
136 |
Release Your power, O God |
Stuart Garrard (1994) |
137 |
River of God (I've felt Your fire) |
Paul Oakley (1996) |
138 |
Salvation spring up |
Charlie Hall (1997) |
139 |
Search me, O God (All Consuming Fire) |
Paul Oakley (1997) |
140 |
The Way Of The Cross |
Matt Redman (1996) |
141 |
Awaken the dawn (Sing to the Lord) |
Stuart Garrard (1994) |
142 |
I love Your love (Sometimes when I feel Your love) |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
143 |
Son of man (You're making me like Jesus) |
Paul Oakley (1996) |
144 |
Standing on holy ground (Isaiah 12) |
Martin Cooper, Paul Oakley (2001) |
145 |
Teach me of Your ways (Lord have Your way) |
David Gate (2001) |
146 |
Thank You for saving me |
Martin Smith (1993) |
147 |
Thank You For The Blood |
Matt Redman (1999) |
148 |
The Cross Has Said It All |
Matt Redman (1995), Martin Smith (1995) |
149 |
The crucible for silver |
Martin Smith (1993) |
150 |
Raise up the standard |
Kevin Prosch (1993) |
151 |
My Glorious (The world's shaking) |
Stuart Garrard (2000), Martin Smith (2000) |
152 |
There is a louder shout to come |
Matt Redman (1996) |
153 |
Jesus, friend of sinners (There is a voice) |
Paul Oakley (1998) |
154 |
All over the world (There's a calling to the nations) |
Ken Riley (1999) |
155 |
There's a place where the streets shine (Because of you) |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
156 |
This is the air I breathe |
Marie Barnett (1995) |
157 |
Message of the cross |
Martin Smith (1993) |
158 |
This is the noise we make |
Jesse Reeves (2000), Chris Tomlin (2000) |
159 |
This means I love You |
Matt Redman (1995) |
160 |
King of this heart (Time is too short) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
161 |
Wake up, my soul |
Matt Redman (1994) |
162 |
We are His people (Shout to the Lord) |
Kevin Prosch (1991) |
163 |
We are Your inheritance |
Paul Oakley (1996) |
164 |
We bow down at Your throne, O Lord |
Jess Humphries (1999) |
165 |
Give Us Clean Hands |
Charlie Hall (2000) |
166 |
We do not worship an unknown God (Revelation) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
167 |
We Fall Down |
Chris Tomlin (1998) |
168 |
Lead me (We have flooded the altar) |
Martin Smith (1994) |
169 |
Well, I call upon my Father |
Ken Riley (2001) |
170 |
I've found Jesus (Well, I hear they're singing) |
Martin Smith (1994) |
171 |
Sing like the saved (We're gonna sing like the saved) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
172 |
Send Revival Start With Me (We're looking to the promise You made) |
Matt Redman (1996) |
173 |
Surely the time has come (We've had a light) |
Matt Redman (1995) |
174 |
Knocking On The Door Of Heaven |
Steve Cantellow (1996), Matt Redman (1996) |
175 |
What a friend I've found |
Martin Smith (1996) |
176 |
Everyday (What to say Lord) |
Joel Houston (1999) |
177 |
Deep calls to deep (When can I go) |
Matt Redman (1996) |
178 |
When deep calls to deep |
Paul Oakley (1998) |
179 |
The Wonderful Cross |
Jesse Reeves (2000), Chris Tomlin (2000), J. D. Walt (2000) |
180 |
When my heart runs dry |
Matt Redman (2001) |
181 |
The Heart Of Worship (When The Music Fades) |
Matt Redman (1997) |
182 |
When words are not enough |
Martyn Layzell (1998) |
183 |
Carry me (Where was I?) |
Ken Riley (2001) |
184 |
Who is there like You |
Paul Oakley (1995) |
185 |
Will I have to wait all day? (High Wire) |
Martin Cooper, Paul Oakley (1999) |
186 |
Hallelujah song (With the choir of angels singing) |
Matt Redman (1998) |
187 |
Wonderful Redeemer |
Ashton Gardner (2001) |
188 |
Worthy, You are worthy |
Matt Redman (1999) |
189 |
Let my words be few (You are God in heaven) |
Matt Redman (2000), Beth Redman (2000) |
190 |
You are the fountain of my life (Your love reaches me) |
Darren Clarke (1998) |
191 |
While today is still today (You came into my life) |
Tim Hughes (1999) |
192 |
I want to go Your way (You can have my whole life) |
James Taylor (2001) |
193 |
The friendship and the fear (You confide) |
Matt Redman (1996) |
194 |
You led me to the cross (Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross) |
Matt Redman (1999) |
195 |
King of glory (Your face outshines the brightest sun) |
David Gate (2001), Matt Redman (2001) |
196 |
Your joy, Your peace (Breakout) |
Jess Humphries (2000) |
197 |
Your love has captured me (Be glorified) |
Louie Giglio (1999), Chris Tomlin (1999) |
198 |
Your love is amazing (Hallelujah your love makes me sing) |
Brenton Brown (2000), Brian Doerksen (2000) |
199 |
You've put a new song (Justice and mercy) |
Matt Redman (2000) |
200 |
House of gold (Your voice is like thunder) |
Paul Oakley (1997) |