Songs of Fellowship 1
640 Songs & Hymns

Erscheinungsjahr: 1991
198 Lieder sind online in der Datenbank vorhanden.
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Nr. |
Liedtitel |
Text / Autor |
1 |
Abba, father, let me be, Yours and Yours alone |
Dave Bilbrough (1977) |
2 |
Abide With Me (Eventide) |
Henry Francis Lyte (1847) |
3 |
Ah Lord God |
Kay Chance (1976) |
4 |
Halleluja, Halleluja (Jesus liebt dich, Halleluja) |
Unbekannt |
5 |
Jesus is our King (Alleluia! Alleluia!) |
Howard Page-Clark (1978), Sherrell Prebble (1978) |
6 |
Alleluia alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord (Alleluia No. 1) |
Donald Fishel (1973) |
7 |
All hail King Jesus! |
Dave Moody (1974) |
8 |
All hail the Lamb |
Dave Bilbrough (1987) |
9 |
All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name |
Edward Perronet (1780) |
10 |
All Heaven Declares |
Noel Richards (1987) |
11 |
All heaven waits |
Graham Kendrick (1986), Chris Rolinson (1986) |
12 |
All over the world the spirit is moving |
Roy Turne (1984) |
13 |
All people that on earth do dwell (Psalm 100) |
William Kethe |
14 |
All things bright and beautiful |
Cecil Frances Alexander |
15 |
Give Him praise (All you angels round His throne) |
Marc Nelson (1989) |
16 |
Almighty God, we bring You praise |
Austin Martin (1983) |
17 |
Almighty God, our heavenly Father (Confession) |
Aus der Bibel |
18 |
Almighty Sovereign Lord (Stretch out Your hand) |
Philip Lawson Johnston (1987) |
19 |
Amazing Grace |
John Newton (1779) |
20 |
An army of ordinary people |
Dave Bilbrough (1983) |
21 |
And can it be that I should gain (Sagina) |
Charles Wesley |
22 |
A new commandment |
Unbekannt |
23 |
Angels from the realms of glory |
James Montgomery (1816) |
24 |
Angel voices ever singing |
Francis Pott (1861) |
25 |
A safe stronghold our God is still |
Thomas Carlyle (1831) |
26 |
Ascribe greatness to our God |
Mary Kirkbride (1979), Mary-Lou Locke (1979), Peter West (1979) |
27 |
As the deer pants for the water |
Martin J. Nystrom (1984) |
28 |
As we are gathered |
John Daniels (1979) |
29 |
As we come with praise |
Dale Garratt (1982) |
30 |
As we seek Your face |
Dave Bilbrough (1990) |
31 |
As with gladness men of old |
William Chatterton Dix |
32 |
At the Name of Jesus |
Caroline Maria Noel (1870) |
33 |
The giving song (At this time of giving) |
Graham Kendrick (1988) |
34 |
I am He that liveth (At Your feet we fall) |
David Fellingham (1982) |
35 |
Awake, awake, O Zion |
David J. Hadden (1982) |
36 |
Away In A Manger |
überliefert |
37 |
Be bold, be strong |
Morris Chapman (1983) |
38 |
Arise, shine (Behold the Darkness) |
Eric Glass (1974) |
39 |
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Saint Christopher) |
Elizabeth C. Clephane (1868) |
40 |
Be still for the presence of the Lord |
David J. Evans (1986) |
41 |
Be still and know |
Aus der Bibel |
42 |
Be Thou My Vision |
Mary Elizabeth Byrne (1905), Eleanor H. Hull (1912) |
43 |
Bind us together, Lord |
Bob Gillman (1977) |
44 |
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine (This is my story) |
Fanny Crosby |
45 |
Blessed be the God and Father |
David Fellingham (1983) |
46 |
Blessed be the name of the Lord (He is the Lord) |
Danny Daniels (1989), Kevin Prosch (1989) |
47 |
Bless the Lord, O my soul |
Phil Rogers (1989) |
48 |
Bless the Lord, O my soul (King of kings) |
Unbekannt |
49 |
Blest Be The Tie That Binds |
John Fawcett (1782) |
50 |
Break Thou the Bread of Life |
Alexander Groves (1877), Mary Artemisia Lathbury (1877) |
51 |
Breathe on me, breath of God |
David Fellingham (1995), Edwin Hatch (1995) |
52 |
Bring a psalm |
Brent Chambers (1979) |
53 |
Broken for me, broken for you |
Janet Lunt (1978) |
54 |
The Servant Song (Brother let me be your servant) |
Richard Gillard (1977) |
55 |
By Your side |
Noel Richards (1989), Tricia Richards (1989) |
56 |
Cause me to come |
Robert Edward Miller (1974) |
57 |
Celebrate Jesus |
Gary Oliver (1988) |
58 |
Change my heart, Oh God |
Eddie Espinosa (1982) |
59 |
Christians Awake (Yorkshire) |
John Byrom (1749) |
60 |
Jesus Christ is risen today |
Lyra Davidica (1708) |
61 |
Christ the Lord is risen today |
Charles Wesley (1739) |
62 |
Christ triumphant, ever reigning |
Michael Saward (1964) |
63 |
Prepare the way (Clear the road) |
Graham Kendrick (1988) |
64 |
Light up the fire (Colours of day) |
Sue McClellan (1974), John Paculabo (1974), Keith Rycroft (1974) |
65 |
Come and praise Him royal priesthood |
Andy Carter (1977) |
66 |
Come and praise the living God |
Mike Kerry (1982) |
67 |
We Worship At Your Feet (Come and see, come and see) |
Graham Kendrick (1989) |
68 |
Come bless the Lord |
Unbekannt |
69 |
Come into the Holy of Holies |
John Sellers (1984) |
70 |
Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Nativity) |
Isaac Watts |
71 |
Come let us sing for joy |
Brent Chambers (1985) |
72 |
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (Wonderful Love) |
Robert Walmsley |
73 |
Come on and celebrate |
Dave Bankhead (1984), Trish Morgan (1984) |
74 |
Come see the beauty of the Lord |
Graham Kendrick (1985) |
75 |
Come, ye thankful people, come (St. George's Windsor) |
Henry Alford (1844) |
76 |
Create in me a clean heart (Wash me, cleanse me) |
Aus der Bibel |
77 |
Crown Him with many crowns |
Matthew Bridges (1851), Godfrey Thring (1874) |
78 |
Arise shine (Darkness like a shroud) |
Graham Kendrick (1985) |
79 |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind |
John Greenleaf Whittier (1872) |
80 |
Do something new, Lord |
Chris Bowater (1986) |
81 |
Draw me closer |
Stuart Devane (1987) |
82 |
El Shaddai |
Michael Card (1982), John Thompson (1982) |
83 |
Emmanuel |
Bob McGee (1976) |
84 |
Enter in to His great love |
Carol Mundy (1988) |
85 |
Eternal God |
David Fellingham (1983) |
86 |
Exalted, You are exalted |
Dave Bilbrough (1990) |
87 |
Exalt the Lord our God |
Roland Fudge, Rick Ridings (1977) |
88 |
Facing a task unfinished |
Frank Houghton (1930) |
89 |
Faithful One (You are my rock) |
Brian Doerksen (1989) |
90 |
Father, I can call You Father |
Danny Daniels (1989) |
91 |
Father God, I give all thanks |
Jack W. Hayford (1973) |
92 |
Father God, I wonder (I will sing Your praises) |
Ian Smale (1984) |
93 |
Father God we worship You |
Graham Kendrick (1981) |
94 |
Let forgiveness flow (Father, here I am again) |
Danny Daniels (1989) |
95 |
Father in Heaven (We will crown Him) |
Dave Bilbrough (1985) |
96 |
Father in Heaven, how we love You |
Bob Fitts (1984) |
97 |
Father I place into Your hands |
Jenny Hewer (1975) |
98 |
Father, make us one |
Rick Ridings (1976) |
99 |
Father, I adore You (Kanon) |
Terrye Coelho (1972) |
100 |
Father, we adore You (Fountain of life) |
Philip Lawson Johnston (1989) |
101 |
All the earth shall worship (Father, we adore You, You've drawn us) |
Carl Tuttle (1982) |
102 |
Father, we love You (Glorify thy name) |
Donna Adkins (1976) |
103 |
My delight (Father, You are my portion in this life) |
Andy Park (1987) |
104 |
Your love overwhelms me (Father, Your love is precious) |
Everett Perry (1983) |
105 |
Fear Not, For I Am With You |
Phil Pringle (1987) |
106 |
Fear not, rejoice and be glad |
Priscilla Wright Porter (1971) |
107 |
Fight the good fight (Duke Street) |
John Samuel Bewley Monsell (1863) |
108 |
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God |
Horatius Bonar (1866) |
109 |
For all the saints (Sine Nomine) |
William Walsham How (1864) |
110 |
For His name is exalted |
Dale Garratt (1972) |
111 |
For I'm building a people of power (Build Your church, Lord) |
Dave Richards (1977) |
112 |
For The Beauty Of The Earth |
Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1864) |
113 |
For the Lord is marching on (Captain of the host) |
Bonnie Low (1977) |
114 |
For this purpose |
Graham Kendrick (1985) |
115 |
For Thou O Lord art high (I exalt Thee) |
Pete Sanchez Jr. (1977) |
116 |
For unto us a child is born |
Unbekannt |
117 |
For we see Jesus |
Susan Hutchinson (1979) |
118 |
For Your wonderful deeds |
David J. Hadden (1990) |
119 |
From all that dwell below the skies |
Isaac Watts (1719) |
120 |
The Servant King (From heaven You came) |
Graham Kendrick (1983) |
121 |
From the rising of the sun |
Paul S. Deming (1976) |
122 |
From the sun's rising |
Graham Kendrick (1987) |
123 |
Give me life, Holy Spirit |
Danny Daniels (1987) |
124 |
Give thanks with a grateful heart |
Henry Smith (1978) |
125 |
Give thanks to the Lord |
Kevin Gould (1988) |
126 |
Glorious Father, we exalt You |
Danny Reed (1987) |
127 |
Glorious things of thee are spoken (City of our God) |
John Newton (1779) |
129 |
Freely, freely (God forgave my sin) |
Carol Owens (1972) |
130 |
God has exalted Him |
Austin Martin (1984) |
131 |
God has spoken to His people |
Stuart Baugh (1982) |
132 |
God is good |
Graham Kendrick (1985) |
133 |
God is here, God is present |
Ian Smale (1987) |
134 |
God is our Father |
Freda Kimmey (1977), Alex Simons (1977) |
135 |
God is working His purpose out (Benson) |
Arthur Campbell Ainger (1894) |
136 |
God of all comfort (To seek Your face) |
John Wimber (1988) |
137 |
God of Glory, we exalt Your name |
David Fellingham (1982) |
139 |
God Of Grace And God Of Glory |
Harry E. Fosdick (1930) |
139 |
God of grace, I turn my face (I stand complete in You) |
Chris Bowater (1990) |
140 |
Good Christian Men, Rejoice |
John Mason Neale |
141 |
Great and marvellous are Thy works |
Bob Pitcher (1980) |
142 |
King of saints (Great and marvellous are Thy works) |
Kevin Prosch (1987) |
143 |
Great and wonderful |
Stuart Dauermann (1972) |
144 |
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised |
Unbekannt |
145 |
Great Is The Lord, And Most Worthy Of Praise |
Steve McEwan (1985) |
146 |
Great is the Lord and mighty in power |
Dale Garratt (1980) |
147 |
Great is Thy faithfulness |
Thomas O. Chisholm (1951) |
148 |
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah |
Peter Williams (1771) |
149 |
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus |
John Bakewell (1757) |
150 |
Hail to the Lord's Anointed |
James Montgomery (1821) |
151 |
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God (Hallelujah Our God Reigns) |
Dale Garratt (1972) |
152 |
Hallelujah, my Father |
Tim Cullen (1975) |
153 |
Hallelujah! sing to Jesus (Alleluia sing to Jesus) |
William Chatterton Dix (1866) |
154 |
Hark the glad sound (St. Saviour) |
Philip Doddridge (1735) |
155 |
Hark! the herald angels sing |
Charles Wesley (1739), George Whitefield (1753) |
156 |
Have Thine Own Way, Lord |
Adelaide Addison Pollard (1906) |
157 |
Healing grace |
Dave Bilbrough (1990) |
158 |
Revive us again (Hear, o Lord, our cry) |
Graham Kendrick (1989) |
159 |
Awaken Your power (Hear, O Shepherd) |
David Fellingham (1988) |
160 |
Heavenly father, I appreciate You |
Unbekannt |
161 |
He came to earth (King Of Kings) |
John Pantry (1990) |
162 |
Beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61) |
Robert Whitney Manzano (1984) |
163 |
He holds the key (Allelu, Alleluia) |
Joan Parsons (1987) |
164 |
He is exalted, the King is exalted on high |
Twila Paris (1985) |
165 |
He is Lord |
Aus der Bibel |
166 |
He is our peace |
Kandela Groves (1985) |
167 |
Here I am, wholly available |
Chris Bowater (1981) |
168 |
Here Is Love (Grace Takes My Sin) |
Kate Simmonds (2009) |
169 |
Family song (Abba Father - Here we are, gather together) |
Steve Hampton (1978) |
170 |
He shall reign as King of kings |
Stuart Townend (1991), John Watson (1991) |
171 |
He that is in us |
Graham Kendrick (1986) |
172 |
He walked where I walk (God with us) |
Graham Kendrick (1988) |
173 |
He was pierced (Like a Lamb) |
Maggi Dawn (1987) |
174 |
He who would valiant be |
John Bunyan (1684) |
175 |
Higher, higher (Cast your burdens onto Jesus) |
Issac Balinda (1990) |
176 |
His name is higher |
Unbekannt |
177 |
His name is Wonderful |
Audrey Mieir (1959) |
178 |
His voice is the sea (Jesus is Lord) |
Bill Anderson (1985) |
179 |
Hold me, Lord |
Danny Daniels (1982) |
180 |
Holiness unto the Lord, unto the King |
Danny Daniels (1989) |
181 |
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (Isaiah 6) |
Andy Park (1990) |
183 |
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty |
Reginald Heber (1826) |
184 |
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of pow'r |
Liturgie |
185 |
Holy is the Lord |
Kelly Green (1982) |
186 |
Holy One, Holy One |
Chris Bowater (1991) |
187 |
Holy Spirit, lead me to my Father |
Alun Leppitt (1991) |
188 |
Holy Spirit, we welcome You |
Chris Bowater (1986) |
189 |
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest |
Carl Tuttle (1985) |
190 |
How I Love You (You are the One) |
Keith Green (1982), Melody Green (1982) |
191 |
How lovely is Thy dwelling place (Psalm 84) |
Unbekannt |
192 |
Hallelujah, our God reigns (How lovely on the mountains) |
Leonard E. Smith Jr. (1974) |
193 |
How precious, O Lord (Your unfailing love) |
Phil Rogers (1982) |
194 |
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds |
John Newton (1774) |
195 |
How You bless our lives |
Chris Welch (1987) |
196 |
I am a lighthouse |
Graham Kendrick (1986) |
197 |
I am a new creation |
Dave Bilbrough (1983) |
198 |
I am a wounded soldier |
Danny Daniels (1985) |
199 |
I Am Not Ashamed |
John Pantry (1990) |
200 |
I am the bread of life |
Suzanne Toolan (1971) |