Ref.: It is a happy beginning with You, my Lord.
You make a happy beginning with me today.
And all the old things I leave behind,
for I'll be walking on Your way.
1) I search for You 'couse You have
always been searching for me.
I open up the door for You
and that certainly will be:
O happy beginning!
2) When I confess my...
1) It is a thing most wonderful,
almost too wonderful to be,
that God's own Son should come from heav'n,
and die to save a child like me.
2) And yet I know that it is true:
He chose a poor and humble lot,
and wept and toiled and mourned and died
for love of those who loved Him not.
3) I cannot tell how He could...
It’s not my own success
Nothing I have ever earned
Not for my righteousness
Nor the doctrines I have learned
Lord, I know, it’s completely undeserved
That I’ve been saved
It is mercy, it is grace
What I am receiving
It is mercy, it is grace
The blessings that you’re giving
It is mercy, it is grace
The love you’re...
1) It may be at morn, when the day is awaking,
When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking,
That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory,
To receive from the world "His own."
Ref.: O Lord Jesus, how long, how long
Ere we shout the glad song,
Christ returneth!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Amen, Hallelujah! Amen.
2) It may be at...
1) It passes knowledge, that dear love of thine,
my Saviour Jesus; yet this soul of mine
would of thy love, in all its breadth and length,
its height and depth and everlasting strength,
know more and more.
2) It passes telling, that dear love of thine,
my Saviour Jesus; yet these lips of mine
would fain proclaim to sinners far and...
Ref.: It's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord,
standing in the need of prayer;
it's me, it's me, it's me, O Lord,
standing in the need of prayer.
1) Not my brother, nor my sister,
but it's me, O Lord,
standing in the need of prayer;
not my brother, nor my sister,
but it's me, O Lord,
standing in the need...
Ref.: It's time, it's time, it's time to change your life.
It's time, it's time, it's time to change your life.
1) Ich gehe sonntags zur Gemeinde
und höre: "Liebet eure Feinde!",
und doch ist mancher mir verhasst,
nur weil mir sein Gesicht nicht passt.
Und ziehe ich Bilanz, dann stelle ich fest:
von Liebe...
1) Ja fürwahr, uns führt mit sanfter Hand
ein Hirt durchs Pilgerland
der dunklen Erde,
uns, Seine kleine Herde.
Halleluja! Halleluja!
2) Wenn im Dunkel auch Sein Häuflein irrt,
Er wacht, der treue Hirt,
und lässt den Seinen
ein freundlich Sternlein scheinen.
Halleluja! Halleluja!
3) Freundlich blickt Sein Aug' auf uns...
Ref.: Ja heißt ja und nein heißt nein.
So soll's immer bei uns sein!
Wir gehören Jesus Christ,
der die Wahrheit selber ist.
1) Sag nichts, was nur halbwegs stimmt,
was dem andern Klarheit nimmt,
was bezweckt, dass er sich irrt,
was vernebelt und verwirrt!
2) Weil doch Jesus, Gottes Sohn,
ist die Wahrheit in Person,
soll auch...
Ja, Herr, ja von dir kommt Rettung und Hilfe.
Ja, Herr, ja von dir kommt Rettung und Hilfe. (2x)
Lass dein Volk, lass dein Volk,
lass dein Volk deinen Segen erfahren! (2x)
Ja, Herr, ja von dir kommt Rettung und Hilfe. (2x)
Lass dein Volk deinen Segen erfahren! (2x)