Unto the end of the world    

Ref.: Unto the end of the world grace to all people!
Unto the end of the word grace from God.

1) Grace to the poor, grace to the sick,
to those in desperation: Grace from God.

2) Grace to the proud wife, grace to the strong man,
to all who're lost in sin: Grace from God!

3) Grace to the young folks, grace to the seniors,
to those in lonliness: Grace from God!

Deutsche Übersetzung: Bis an das Ende der Welt
Text: (2000)
Melodie: (2000)

Das Lied "Unto the end of the world" ist in 1 Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Feiert Jesus! 2 218  SCM  Amazon
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