Christliche Liederdatenbank    

It is mercy

It’s not my own success
Nothing I have ever earned
Not for my righteousness
Nor the doctrines I have learned
Lord, I know, it’s completely undeserved
That I’ve been saved

It is mercy, it is grace
What I am receiving
It is mercy, it is grace
The blessings that you’re giving
It is mercy, it is grace
The love you’re providing.
All the riches I could offer
Wouldn’t ever repay your goodness
All the pain that I could suffer
Wouldn’t bring me forgiveness
And it is mercy, it is grace
That youre on my side

There’s nothing I can do
To be worthy in your sight
To get in touch with you
Lord, I need your cleansing light
I’m convinced, it’s completely undeserved
That I’ve been saved

It is mercy...

Die Abdruckerlaubnis für dieses Lied wurde uns von Friedhelm Krenz zur Verfügung gestellt.



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