I Sing, You Sing    

1) I sing, you sing, we all sing together.
I sing, you sing, we all sing together.
I sing, you sing, we all sing together,
we are in a Company and we all agree,
we are in a Company and we all agree.

2) I stand, you stand...

3) I clap, you clap...

4) I stamp, you stamp...

5) I jump, you jump...

6) I prasise, you praise, we all praise the Lord.


Das Lied "I Sing, You Sing" ist in 4 Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
Einfach Spitze 2 83  SCM  Amazon
Kinder feiern Jesus 100  Amazon
CVJM Jungscharlieder 175  Amazon
Sing mit - lach mit 7  SCM  Amazon
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