Christliche Liederdatenbank    

I know that my Redeemer lives

I know that my Redeemer lives
And ever prays for me.
A token of His love He gives,
A pledge of liberty.

Jesus, I hang on every word,
I steadfastly believe.
You will return and claim me, Lord,
And to Yourself receive.

And we will lift You up, hallelujah,
Holy is our God.
And we will worship You
And honour Your name.
Worthy is the Lamb, hallelujah,
You reign in majesty.
Glory to our God,
Forever the same.

Joyful in hope my spirit soars
To meet You from above.
Your goodness thankfully adores,
And sure, I taste Your love.

Your love I soon expect to find
In all its depth and height;
To comprehend the eternal mind
And grasp the infinite.

Melodie: (2008), (2008)
CCLI-Nr.: 5230224

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