Got a reason for living again    

Got a reason for living again,
got a reason for laughing again,
got a reason for loving again.
I´ve got the love of God in my heart!

No reason to cry anymore,
no reason to sigh anymore,
no reason to die anymore,
I´ve got the love of God in my heart!

Monday, I was all alone.
Tuesday, I had my sins to atone.
Wednesday, I cried and cried.
Thursday, I thought I would die.

Friday, I started to pray.
Saturday, I read my bible all day,
but Sunday, Lord, the heavens did part.
I´ve got the love of God in my heart!


Das Lied "Got a reason for living again" ist in 5 Liederbüchern enthalten:

  Cover Nummer Noten
S.O.N.G. 138  SCM  Amazon
Feiert Jesus! 3 47  SCM  Amazon
Wiedenester Jugendlieder 2002 93  SCM
BUJU 1997 146
Wiedenester Jugendlieder 83  Amazon
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